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Site CollectorSite Collector Administration Guide

Manage Templates

Template management facilitates easy and faster log onboarding that involves collection of logs from a variety of log sources, and specific applications, filtering out the unrelated other sources. Through Template Manager, you can manage the Windows Event Log Collector templates separately as a standalone entity.

Template manager enables you to:

  • Manage log collection templates

  • Assign a specific template to a collector or multiple collectors

  • Analyze template modification activities

  • View a statistics on template management activities

To create a Windows template:

  1. Log in to the Exabeam Security Operations Platform with your registered credentials.

  2. Navigate to Collectors > Site Collectors.

  3. Click Template Manager.

  4. To create a new template to define a log collection policy (template) for you Windows log sources, click New Template.

  5. On the New Windows Template page, enter the following information.

    • Template Name – Specify a name for the new Windows template.

    • Windows Log Category – For filtering logs, enable the log fields that you want to use and select the appropriate option: All, Range, and Exclude.

      • All – Click All to filter all types of logs irrespective of the value. The collector collects all events for the specified Windows Log name and for all DNS servers.

      • Range – Click Range and specify a range in the box that appears next. The collector collects security events based on the defined range.

      • Exclude – Click Exclude and specify a value for the events to be rejected while log collection in the box that appears next. The collector collects all the security events from the specified Windows Log name excluding the events listed in this section.

    • New Windows Log Condition – Click to add a new condition.

      You can add custom Windows log names or conditions that your environment has. To obtain a list of existing log names, refer to the Microsoft Windows PowerShell command in Microsoft documentation.

  6. Click Create.

    The template that you created is listed in the Template Manager section. Proceed to install the Windows Event Log Collector instance or to apply the template you created to existing Windows Event Log Collector instances.

    After you create a template, you can edit the template and apply the template to a Windows collector instance. Applying a new template removes the previously assigned template of a Windows collector instance.
