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Cloud-delivered Advanced AnalyticsAdvanced Analytics i63 Release Notes

Advanced Analytics i63.7

Issue ID



Fixed an issue where Alert Triage pushed excessive alerts causing unnecessary strain on the system. With this fix, you can now dynamically disable Alert Triage or have it automatically pause when alert volumes exceed configured thresholds, allowing the system to maintain stability during spikes in activity.


Fixed a synchronization issue for deployments with Unified Login enabled, where if a user was deleted, Advanced Analytics did not implement the change in real-time. With this fix, you can now ensure seamless user deletion synchronization between Advanced Analytics and the Exabeam Security Operations Platform.


Fixed a logout synchronization issue for deployments with Unified Login enabled, where logging out of cloud-delivered Advanced Analytics did not automatically log you out of other Exabeam applications. With this fix, you can now enjoy seamless single logout support ensuring a unified experience across all applications.


Fixed an issue related to custom asset groups where the NTLM-mismatch rule triggered incorrectly. With this fix, the rule now will be able to identify a mismatch with new hosts that arrive without any asset groups populated.


Fixed an issue with user label assignment where Advanced Analytics looked at historical labels and ignored current labels. With this fix, you can now see the correct and up-to-date labels associated with your accounts in Exabeam.


Advanced Analytics now provides additional visibility to help you understand why a dynamic peer group wasn't assigned to a user. Now, additional statistics in the log explain the reason for this behavior, such as when users' relation coefficient doesn't meet the minimum threshold.

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