Cloud-delivered Data LakeExabeam Search Quick Reference Guide

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How to Run Query Searches in Exabeam Data Lake

Data Lake can be customized to search for variations and combinations in the captured data to suit needs and circumstances. The Search UI offers an input box for customers to apply their own criteria.


Complex or heavily used queries can be saved to the local library for re-use.



Here are additional methods to consider when handling large data volumes:

  • Filtered Searches -- Narrow the amount of data to search, you can apply filters using context tables to optimize your queries.Filtered Searches in Data Lake

  • Cross-cluster Searches -- In a multi-cluster deployment, you can perform searches simultaneously across all log ingesting clusters.How to Run an Exabeam Data Lake Cross-Cluster Search

The following table shows the accepted syntax for querying in Data Lake . Data Lake query semantics applies a limited subset of Lucene.


Note that AND, TO, NOT, and OR are case-sensitive operators (i.e. all upper-case only).





Alpha-numeric text to search for


Look for records with string error.


Data type or category name (i.e. key within [key,value] of structured data)

Search any field by field name followed by a colon ":" and string to search for.

status:”error” Look for records with string error in category status.


Joining of two or more criteria


or +

Both terms must exist

user:"joe" AND host:""

Look for records with both joe and in their respective fields.


Either term may exist

user:"joe" OR country:"jane"

Look for records with either in category userjane or joe.


or -

Term must not exist

user:"joe" NOT country:"US"

Look for records with joe but without US in their respective fields.


The NOT operator cannot be used with just one term but must have a core search to apply the NOT condition against. (i.e. The above example could not run as just NOT country:"US".)






Range of values with lower and/or upper limits, expressed as numeric values

field_name: low TO high

field_name: >low

field_name: <high

field_name: >=low

field_name: <=high

num_hit: [10 TO 50]

num_hits: >50

logon_date: [2018-10-31 TO 2018-12-31]

date: [* TO 2012-01-01]

indexTime: [* TO 2018-10-05T23:48:00.000]

indexTime: [* TO 2018-10-05T23:43]


( )

Multi-term search processed first by criterium set in parentheses

error* (joe OR jane)

Look for records with leading string error in that contain either joe or jane.





Single character variation search (Cannot be used as leading character.)


Multi-character variation search (Cannot be used as leading character.)


Look for records with string jo with a single trailing character (e.g. jo2).


Look for records with string jo with any trailing characters.

Special Characters


Characters + – & || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ ” ~ * ? : _ that used in query operations can be converted to be used search text by adding ‘\’ before the character


Look for records with string jo+.

Alternative method: user.keyword:”jo-anne”

Look for record with hyphenated string jo-anne.

Regular Expressions

Regular expression patterns can be embedded in the queries by wrapping them in forward-slashes ("/")


Tokenized Fields

System field names invoke parsing when standardized delimiters are encountered, such as

Sample search for "[email protected]"

user.keyword: *string

user:"*string", where *string contains @, . , or -.

Yields results because user.keyword is non-tokenized

user: *string

user.keyword: "*string", where *string contains @, . , or -.

No results because user is tokenized for full-text search, where, for example, [email protected] is parsed as user, engineering, domain, and com

_exists_ and !_exists_

Determine whether fields that exist (have a value) or not


Yields logs where user field is populated


Yields logs where <exa_parser_name> field is empty


Search string qualifier when a keyword type field cannot be parsed. Do not use <field>:”-” even though this field is a text type as well. Otherwise, there will be no results returned.


This search will return data with a non-parsable host field.


The default operator in searches is OR unless you explicitly form your query to not apply it.

Correctly searching and synchronizing time between log messages is critical to forming a timeline of events you are analyzing. There are multiple ways time information is stored in log messages. It is important to distinguish between them and use them accordingly.




This is a search value. It is the default time field that reflects the time when log message was received at the Data Lake ingestion layer.


This is a search value. It is the time the Data Lake parser/enricher processed the log message for indexing.


This is a message log field. It is the time value derived from event itself with adjustments such as time zone, if present in log message and parsed out.


This is a message log field. It is the non-adjusted time value derived from log message itself. If log message does not have a time field, it defaults to ~indexTime.

In addition to using manually created search strings, users have the option to filter data using out-of-the-box filters available in the Search UI.

The Field Explorer is the quick pick tool for viewing captured data in known categories (both out-of-the-box and custom filters). Click on the hyperlink for a given sub-category and menu of known values are listed to filter further. View field visualization can be selected to immediately visually organize data from the shown list.


Out-of-the-box filters are available in the Search UI. Once data, using preliminary parameters (e.g. time range) is gathered, a categorized Field Explorer appears below the Timeline. Information is separated by areas of focus such as: Account Management, Failed Logon and Lockout, Windows Authentication, and Default. Select links under each area to further filter data by sub-selection or field query. Events counts are listed in each linked category. Each activated filter is reflected in query syntax in the Search input field.


These categories are part of the "exa_category" set and there exist subcategories to narrow searches with. The queries are in the form:

exa_category:"<category>" AND <field>:"<value>"

Category (for exa_category)



Account Management

Events relating to creation, deletion, and modification of entity's computer accounts

  • account_name

  • dest_host

  • domain

  • event_code

  • host

  • target_user

  • user

Account Switch

Events indicating that user A is operating as user B (e.g. runas, sudo)

  • account

  • dest_host

  • event_code

  • host

  • user

Active Directory

Events related to Microsoft Active Directory

  • user

  • object

  • activity_type

  • attribute

  • object_class

  • event_name

  • event_code

  • dest_host

  • domain

  • host


Events relating to applications (e.g. pull/sync from a code repository)

  • activity

  • app

  • host

  • src_ip

  • user

Audit Change

Changes to the audit policy of a computer

  • event_code

  • event_name

  • host

  • policy

  • subcategory

  • user


Events related to connection credentials

  • user

  • event_code

  • auth_method

  • failure_reason

  • src_ip

  • dest_ip

  • dest_host

  • domain

  • host


Physical access log events

  • badge_id

  • location_building

  • location_door

  • outcome user

Configuration Change

Events indicating the setting of a system has changed

  • event_code

  • event_name

  • host log_type

  • src_type

  • user


Events from DHCP service

  • user

  • dest_ip

  • dest_host

  • host


Events from a data leak protection system

  • alert_name

  • external_domain

  • host

  • protocol

  • src_ip

  • user


Events from a DNS system

  • dest_ip

  • dest_port

  • query_id

  • query_type

  • src_ip

  • src_port


Change events for database endpoints

  • database_name

  • db_operation

  • dest_host

  • dest_ip

  • src_host

  • src_ip

  • user


Actions of interest at endpoints

  • command_line

  • dest_host

  • host

  • process_name

  • user

Failed Logons and Lockouts

Login failure events

  • dest_host

  • dest_ip

  • domain

  • event_code

  • host

  • user


File access events

  • accesses

  • dest_host

  • file_name

  • host

  • user


Logout events

  • user

  • event_code

  • logon_type

  • dest_host

  • host

  • domain


Network traffic events

  • bytes_in

  • bytes_out

  • dest_ip

  • dest_port

  • host

  • protocol

  • rule

  • src_ip

  • src_port

Network Alert

Network access events

  • dest_ip

  • dest_port

  • host

  • protocol

  • src_ip

  • src_port

Print Activity

Printing/Printer action events

  • event_code

  • host

  • outcome

  • printer_name

  • user

Privileged Access

Action events connected to highly restricted assets

  • dest_host

  • event_code

  • host

  • privileges

  • process_name

  • user

Security Alerts

Actions for known malicious payloads

  • alert_name

  • alert_type

  • host

  • malware_url

  • src_host

  • src_ip

  • user

System Event

System-level events

  • event_name

  • log_source

  • host

  • dest_host


VPN login events

  • failure_reason

  • host

  • src_ip

  • src_translated_ip

  • user


Web-based access events of interest

  • user

  • protocol

  • action

  • category

  • web domain

  • bytes out

  • bytes in

  • src_ip

  • dest_ip

  • method

  • result code

  • host

Windows Authentication

Microsoft Windows login-based events

  • dest_host

  • dest_ip

  • event_code

  • host

  • logon_type

  • src_ip

  • user

Exabeam parses and categorizes different values for fast searching, using the query format:






Actions that are considered behaviors of concern in general practice

  • authentication

  • account-management

  • account-management/user

  • object-access

  • alert

  • account-management/user/enable

  • authentication/remote-logon

  • audit-log-change

  • authentication/remote-access

  • password-management

  • object-access/read

  • cve-notice

  • netflow

  • object-access/write

  • account-management/user/create

  • account-management/user/disable

  • web-access password-management/change

  • network-traffic

  • process-creation

  • audit-log-change/delete

  • authentication/logout

  • account-management/user/delete

  • alert/dlp

  • authentication/service-logon

  • print

  • password-management/reset

  • config-change

  • alert/file

  • object-access/delete

  • authentication/batch-logon

  • authentication/local-logon

  • email

  • email/inbound


Incremental risk score changes marking milestone triggers

  • true

  • false


Time offsets for event of interest. It is the time value derived from event itself with adjustments such as time zone, if present in log message and parsed out

  • milliseconds


Exabeam core categories of interest in threat detection

See "Searches using Exabeam exa_category" section


Device category

  • operating-system

  • operating-system/file-system


Milestone marker for event result triggers

  • success

  • failed


Filter by parser name

  • parser name


Event time window of interest (UTC). It is the non-adjusted time value derived from log message itself. If the message does not have a time field, it defaults to ~indexTime.

  • @timestamp


Filter by defined rule category

category name (See "Searches using Exabeam exa_category" section)


  • @timestamp


Events when rule is enforced or disabled

  • true

  • false


  • max value


Threshold count for events of interest

  • count value


  • user.keyword


Threshold count for recurring events

  • minutes:[integer]


  • minutes:[integer]


Time range for events of interest

  • minutes:[integer]


  • @timestamp,user.keyword


  • cardinality description


Filter for events that trigger a specified rule, specified by rule ID

  • ID value


Filter for events that trigger a specified rule, specified by rule name

  • rule name


See query rules in "Syntax" section


Threshold trigger based on severity level

  • HighAlertSeverity

  • MediumAlertSeverity

  • LowAlertSeverity


  • CardinalityRuleType

  • FrequencyRuleType

  • Aggregation


  • alert_type

  • alert_name

  • alert_severity

  • alert_id

  • src_ip

  • dest_ip

  • src_host

  • dest_host

  • host

  • user

  • malware_url

  • additional_info -- A field for providing event-specific information that cannot be mapped directly to any field, applying primarily to alert events.

* "exa_rule_" fields are parsed out of correlation rules triggered by Data Lake .