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Security ContentInstall Security Content

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Deploy Content Installer

Before you install new log ingesting security content, download and open Content Installer.

If you have Advanced Analytics i48 or Data Lake i31 or earlier, each product has their own version of Content Installer.

If you have Advanced Analytics i50 or Data Lake i32 or later, you use the same Content Installer to install security content for both products.

If you have Advanced Analytics i48.5 and later, your Advanced Analytics deployment already comes with a version of the Content Installer. If there are any bug-fix updates to Content Installer, you may follow these steps to download a newer version.

  1. To verify that Content Installer is compatible with your product version, ensure you have Advanced Analytics i38 or Data Lake i20 and later.

  2. Download the content_installer_v1.0.tar.gz file.

  3. Copy the file to the master node.

  4. Untar the Content Installer:

    tar -Pxvf content_installer_v1.0*.tar.gz

    If you fail to untar Content installer, you see an error message:

    • For Advanced Analytics:

    • For Data Lake:


    Ensure that Content Installer has completely downloaded. If it has completely downloaded and you're still getting an error, contact Exabeam Customer Success.