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Use CasesGet Started with Threat Detection, Investigation, and Response (TDIR) Use Case Categories

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Threat Detection, Investigation, and Response (TDIR) Use Case Categories Hierarchy

Understand the overall structure of the TDIR Use Case Categories framework: use case categories, use cases, and scenarios.

The TDIR Use Case Categories framework organizes threats in a hierarchy, from a broad category down to specific detection insights:

The hierarchy of use case packages using the Compromised Insiders use case category and Lateral Movement use case.

In most cases, you tackle a specific use case, but you may find it helpful to break down use cases into scenarios.

Use cases and scenarios in the Exabeam TDIR Use Case Categories framework are similar to tactics and techniques in the MITRE ATT&CK® framework. Like ATT&CK tactics, Exabeam use cases represent an adversary’s tactical objective or the high-level activities an adversary does during an operation. Like ATT&CK techniques, Exabeam scenarios represent what an adversary does to achieve their tactical objective or what an adversary gains from achieving their tactical objective.[1]

[1] MITRE ATT&CK and ATT&CK are trademarks of The MITRE Corporation ("MITRE"). Exabeam is not affiliated with or sponsored or endorsed by MITRE. Nothing herein is a representation of the views or opinions of MITRE or its personnel.