Auto Parser GeneratorAuto Parser Generator

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Duplicate a Parser Using Auto Parser Generator

Use these instructions to duplicate a default parser to create your own version.

Feel free to pause your work at any time. Auto Parser Generator saves your progress after each step and after you change anything. If you leave while creating a parser, the incomplete parser appears in the list of parsers with a Draft status. To pick up where you left off, edit the parser.

  1. On the Parser page, click the The more menu; three vertical grey dots on a white background. menu on an existing custom or default parser and then select Duplicate.

    The parser will be duplicated and automatically named originalparsername-custom.

  2. Use the Next and Back keys to navigate through the parser creation steps, updating the parser attributes as desired.

  3. Once you have edited the parser to your satisfaction, navigate to the Review Parser page.

  4. To download the parser and event builder, click Download Zip.


    You will need this download file to install the custom parser onto your Advanced Analytics and/or Data Lake environments.

  5. Click Finish and Close.