Cloud Collector Releases
Cloud Collectors typically release every month and have the following release types:
Early access – With the early access program, you can gain access to and test the latest cloud collectors before their official release. Your valuable feedback plays a vital role in helping Exabeam refine and enhance these collectors. The early access period can be as short as one month but may be longer depending on the level of effort to address feedback.
When a collector is available, the tile for the collector is labeled COMING SOON but the tile is grayed out. To use these collectors, you must sign up for the early access program. To enroll, ______.
After Exabeam enables the collector for your New-Scale Security Operations Platform, the tile label changes to EARLY ACCESS and changes from grayed out to active. You can then proceed to configure the early access collector.
General availability – Collectors that are available to all customers are released for general availability. These collectors do not require any sign-ups or approval to use and have typically undergone additional customer testing through the early access program. To help you spot recently-released collectors, the tile for the collector is labeled NEW.