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Security ContentExabeam Security Content in the Legacy Structure

Event Enricher Configurations

Here is the syntax for an event enricher:

EventTypes = ["event_type"]         ### what event types should be evaluated against this enricher. Using [] means the enricher will apply to all event types.

Condition = "exists(certain_field) OR endsWith(some_field, '.bat')" .              ### conditions based on Exabeam's logical expressions

Map = [ { field = "new_field", value = "anything I want" }, { field = "new_field_2", value = """'100'""" } ]         ### new field definitions
  • First, restrict what events are enriched, and then define the fields and values to be created.

  • Restriction is done using the 'EventType' and 'Condition' field.

  • Make sure you only look at events that are of the type(s) specified in the 'EventTypes' field, expressed as an array of event_types.

  • Further restrict what gets enriched by adding the analytics engine expressions in the conditions parameter. In the above example, we only enrich the event if the field 'some_field' ends with '.bat' or we enrich the event if the field 'certain_field' already exists.