Event Types and Required Fields
This table defines the required, extended, and informational fields that are available for every event type.
Events can be created even if the required fields are not present. However, the event will not be applicable for rule scoring and modeling.
Event Name | Description | Categories | Fields |
account-creation | A user created a new account. NoteThis is tied to Windows events 4720 or 624. | Category: Account Subcategory: Create | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
account-deleted | A user deleted an account. NoteThis is tied to Windows events 4726 or 630. | Category: Account Subcategory: Changes | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
account-disabled | An administrator disabled a user's account. | Category: Account Subcategory: Management | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
account-enabled | An account was enabled by a user. | Category: Account Subcategory: Management | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
account-lockout | An account has been locked. | Category: Account Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
account-password-change | A user changed their account password. NoteThis is tied to Windows events 4723 or 627. | Category: Account Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
account-password-change-failed | A user attempted to change their account password but failed. NoteThis is tied to Windows events 4723 or 627. | Category: Account Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
account-password-reset | An administrator reset a user's password. NoteThis is tied to Windows events 4724 or 628. | Category: Account Subcategory: Management | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
account-switch | A user switched their account to impersonate another account. NoteThis is tied to Windows events 4648 and 552. Also tied to Unix SUDO logs. | Category: Account Subcategory: Switch | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
account-unlocked | An administrator unlocked a user's account. | Category: Account Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
app-activity | A user's activity within a specific application. | Category: Application Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
app-activity-failed | A user successfully logged in to an app but failed to perform an action in the app. | Category: Application Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
app-login | A user logged into an application. | Category: Application Subcategory: Login | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
audit-log-clear | An audit log was deleted from the system. NoteThis is tied to Windows events indicating audit log clearance, such as Windows 1102 and 517. | Category: Audit Subcategory: Change | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
audit-policy-change | An audit policy was changed. NoteThis is tied to Windows events 4719 and 612. | Category: — Subcategory: — | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
authentication-attempt | An authentication whose outcome could not be determined was attempted. | Category: Account Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
authentication-failed | An authentication attempt performed either from a public IP address or from an internal network address failed. | Category: Account Subcategory: Auth | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
authentication-successful | An authentication attempt performed either from a public IP address or from an internal network address was successful. | Category: Account Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
batch-logon | A non-interactive batch logon occurred. NoteThis is tied to Windows events 4624, and 528 with logon type 4. | Category: Account Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
cloud-admin-activity | Administrative activity against cloud services. | Category: Cloud Subcategory: Admin | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
cloud-admin-activity-failed | Failed administrative activity against cloud services. | Category: Cloud Subcategory: Admin | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
computer-logon | A non-interactive computer logon occurred. | Category: Endpoint Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
config-change | A user made a configuration change. | Category: — Subcategory: — | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
database-access | A user accessed a database. | Category: Database Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
database-activity-failed | A database query was issued and then failed. | Category: Database Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
database-alert | Abnormal activity in the database was detected either by Exabeam or by a third-party monitoring tool. | Category: Database Subcategory: Security Alerts | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
database-delete | One or more records were deleted from the database. | Category: Database Subcategory: — | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
database-failed-login | A user attempted and failed to log in to a database. | Category: Database Subcategory: — | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
database-login | A user logged into the database. | Category: Database Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
database-query | A user queried a database. | Category: Database Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
database-update | A user issued a database query to update one or more database records. | Category: Database Subcategory: — | Required Fileds:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
dlp-alert | An alert was reported by a DLP product running on the endpoints. | Category: Data Subcategory: Alert | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
dlp-email-alert-in | Incoming email activity reported by an email monitoring tool. | Category: Email Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
dlp-email-alert-in-failed | An inbound email activity failure. For example, if there is an email server error. | Category: Email Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
dlp-email-alert-out | Outgoing email activity reported by an email monitoring tool. | Category: Email Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
dlp-email-alert-out-failed | An outbound email activity failure occurred. For example, if the recipient email address is wrong or if there is an email server error. | Category: Email Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
dns-query | An asset queried for a domain in the DNS server. | Category: Network Subcategory: DNS | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
dns-response | An asset received a response from a DNS server. | Category: Network Subcategory: DNS | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
ds-access | User accessed an active directory object. | Category: — Subcategory: — | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
failed-app-login | A user failed to log in to an application. | Category: Account Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
failed-ds-access | An access attempt to an active directory object failed. | Category: — Subcategory: — | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
failed-logon | A user failed a logon attempt. | Category: Account Subcategory: Login | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
failed-physical-access | A user swiped their physical badge to open a door, gate, or other entrance but were denied access. | Category: Physical Security Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
failed-usb-activity | USB activity failed. For example, an administrator sets a policy to deny USB activity on machines connected to the company network. Then, a user attempts to copy files to a USB flash drive and is denied by the policy. The activity would be logged as failed-USB-activity. | Category: Endpoint Subcategory: Usb | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
failed-vpn-login | A remote access VPN login attempt performed either from a public IP address or from an internal network address failed. | Cateogory: VPN Subcategory: Login | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
file-alert | A file integrity product (such as Tripwire) reported a change made to critical and/or system file. | Category: File Subcategory: Security | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
file-delete | A user deleted a file. | Category: File Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
file-download | A file was downloaded. | Category: File Subcategory: Download | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
file-permission-change | A user has changed the permissions for a file and/or folder. | Category: File Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
file-read | A user opened or downloaded a file. | Category: File Subcategory: Read | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
file-upload | A file was uploaded to the web. | Category: File Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
file-write | A file was created, edited, or moved. | Category: File Subcategory: Write | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
kerberos-logon | An interactive logon using Kerberos occurred. NoteThis is tied to Windows events 4768 or 672. For more precise readings on the nature of the logon, consider collecting Windows events 4624 from the asset. | Category: Account Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
local-logon | A local logon occurred. NoteThis is tied to Windows events 4624 or 528 events with logon type 2 or 7. Also tied to Windows events with logon type 11 and a process name indicating a local interactive logon. And tied to Linux local logon events. | Category: Account Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
member-added | A user has been added to a domain group membership. | Category: Account Subcategory: Management | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
member-removed | A user has been removed from a domain group membership. | Category: Account Subcategory: Management | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
nac-failed-logon | A logon attempted to a NAC failed. | Category: Network Subcategory: Security | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
nac-logon | A user was granted network access. | Category: Network Subcategory: Access | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
netflow-connection | A new NetFlow connection was detected. | Category: Network Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
network-alert | Suspicious activity in the network was detected and reported by a network security product, such as an IDS or IPS. | Category: Alerts Subcategory: Network | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
network-connection-failed | A network connection failure occurred. | Category: Network Subcategory: Security | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
network-connection-successful | A network connection attempt was successful. | Category: Network Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
ntlm-logon | An interactive logon using NTLM authentication occurred. NoteThis is tied to Microsoft NTLM events that indicate an interactive logon by user, such as Windows events 4776 or 680. For more precise readings on the nature of the logon, consider collecting Windows 4624 events from the asset. | Category: Account Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
physical-access | A user successfully opened a door, gate, or other entrance using their badge. | Category: Physical Security Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
print-activity | A user printed files, data, or some other form of content. | Category: Printer Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
privileged-access | A user obtained special privileges. For example, if a regular user who does not have administrator privileges attempts to elevate their own privileges to have administrator privileges. NoteThis is tied to events indicating privileged access or service, such as Windows events 4672, 4673, 576, and 577. | Category: Account Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
privileged-object-access | A user obtained special privileges to access a privileged object. NoteThis is tied to Windows events 4674 or 578. | Category: Database Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
process-alert | A user has executed a process that triggered an organization's configured endpoint process alert. | Category: Endpoint Subcategory: Process (maybe Security) | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
process-created | A user has executed an endpoint process on a host. | Category: Endpoint Subcategory: Process | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
process-created-failed | Failed process activity. | Category: Endpoint Subcategory: Process | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
process-network | A process executing on the endpoint tried to access the network. | Category: Endpoint Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
process-network-failed | An endpoint process was blocked from accessing a network. | Category: Network Subcategory: Security | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
remote-access | A remote, non-interactive logon occurred. NoteThis is tied to Windows events 4769, or 4624 with logon type 3 or 8. | Category: Account Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
remote-logon | A remote, interactive logon occurred. NoteThis is tied to Windows events 4624 with logon type 10 or 11. Also tied to Unix SSH login events. | Category: Account Subcategory: Login | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
security-alert | An alert was reported by a third-party security product, such as FireEye, Palo Alto Networks, or other antivirus software running on the endpoints. | Category: Alerts Subcategory: Endpoint | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
service-created | A service was installed on the system. NoteThis is tied to service creation events, such as Windows 4697. | Category: Endpoint Subcategory: Creation | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
service-logon | A non-interactive service logon occurred. NoteThis is tied to Windows events 4624 and 528 with logon type 5. | Category: — Subcategory: — | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
share-access | This user has accessed a Windows network share. | Category: File Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
share-access-denied | This user has been denied access to a Windows network share. | Category: File Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
storage-access | Object access activity from a cloud storage bucket. | Category: Cloud Subcategory: Storage | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
storage-activity | Activity against cloud storage services. | Category: Cloud Subcategory: Storage | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
storage-activity-failed | Failed activity against cloud storage services. | Category: Cloud Subcategory: Storage | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
task-created | A user created a new scheduled task. NoteTied to Windows event 4698. | Category: Endpoint Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
usb-activity | Unspecified USB activity. | Category: Endpoint Subcategory: Usb | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
usb-insert | A USB flash drive was connected to the network. | Category: Endpoint Subcategory: Usb | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
usb-read | SB read activity was detected. | Category: Endpoint Subcategory: Usb | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
usb-write | A user copied files from their machine to a USB flash drive. | Category: Endpoint Subcategory: Usb | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
vpn-connection | A user used VPN to connect to a network. | Category: Network Subcategory: VPN | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
vpn-login | Remote access VPN login attempt either from a public IP address or from an internal network address was successful. | Category: VPN Subcategory: Login | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
vpn-logout | A user logged off remote access VPN. | Category: VPN Subcategory: Login | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
web-activity-allowed | A user has accessed a web resources via a proxy or some other web monitoring gateway. | Category: Web Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
web-activity-denied | A user was blocked by a restricting policy while attempted to access a web resource via a proxy or other web monitoring gateway. | Category: Web Subcategory: Activity (or Security) | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
webconference-login | Web conference application login. | Category: Application Subcategory: Login | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
webconference-operations-activity | Web conference application operations. | Category: Application Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
web-meeting-created | Web conference meeting created. | Category: Application Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
web-meeting-ended | Web conference meeting ended. | Category: Application Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
web-meeting-participant-joined | Web conference meeting participant joined. | Category: Application Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
web-meeting-started | Web conference meeting started. | Category: Application Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
web-meeting-updated | Web conference meeting updated. | Category: Application Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
winsession-disconnect | A user disconnected from an existing Terminal Services session. NoteThis is tied to Windows event 4779. | Category: Account Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
workstation-locked | A user locked their workstation. NoteThis is tied to Windows event 4800. | Category: Endpoint Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields:
workstation-unlocked | A user unlocked their workstation. NoteThis is tied to Windows event 4801. | Category: Endpoint Subcategory: Activity | Required Fields:
Extended Fields:
Informational Fields: