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DashboardDashboards Release Notes

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Dashboards Features Introduced in 2022

December 2022



Collapsible Data Dimensions and Measures Menus

Data dimensions and measures menus are now collapsible to eliminate excessive scrolling and make measure options readily visible.

To quickly find the dimensions and measures you need when configuring visualizations, click the expand dimenensions-measures-expand-icon.png and collapse dimensions-measures-collapse-icon.png icons in the Data Field explorer.


For information on selecting dimensions and measures for visualizations, see Create a Visualization in the Exabeam Dashboards Guide.

Selected Dimensions and Measures Are Now Reorderable

For a better user experience, you can now reorder the dimensions and measures that you select for visualizations without having to remove and reselect them.

When creating or editing a visualization, in the In use tab of the Data Field explorer, click and hold the move icon Dimensions-Measures-Move-Icon.png on the selected dimensions and measures to rearrange their orders.


For information on configuring visualizations, see Create a Visualization in the Exabeam Dashboards Guide.

November 2022



Threat Center Overview Pre-Built Dashboard

Get high-level insights into your Alert and Case Management activity with the new Alert and Case Management Overview pre-built dashboard in the Dashboards app. This dashboard enables you to easily visualize and report on your team's workload and performance without manually configuring your own dashboard.

This dashboard is available with the Exabeam SIEM license.

Correlation Rules Pre-Built Dashboard

The Correlation Rules pre-built dashboard shows you use case activity levels, what rules are being triggered and when, and what rules are triggered the least. This dashboard is available with an Exabeam Security Operations Portfolio license.

For more information on the Correlation Rules dashboard, see Correlation Rules in the Dashboards Guide.

October 2022



Introducing the Dashboards App

The Dashboards app is now available on the New-Scale Security Operations Platform.

Dashboards visualizations provide valuable new insights into your data, helping to reveal the critical information that you need to guide your decision-making. Visualize your security data and compliance reports through pre-built and custom dashboards. Keep everyone up to date with network activity by scheduling regular email deliveries of dashboard snapshots.

For more information, see the Dashboards Guide.