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DashboardDashboards Guide

Threat Center Overview Dashboard

Get an overview of your Threat Center cases and how well your team is triaging and responding to them.

The dashboard is organized into two sections: Open Cases and Performance Metrics.

Open Cases

Under Open Cases, view visualizations on cases in the New, Investigation, or Remediation stages, including:

You can use these metrics to track your team's active workload and progress as they respond to cases.


New is a single value-style visualization that counts the number of cases in the New stage.


Remediation is a single value-style visualization that counts the number of cases in the Remediation stage.


Investigation is a single value-style visualization that counts the number of cases in the Investigation stage.

Open Cases by Priority

Open Cases by Severity is a pie/donut-style visualization that counts the number of cases assigned each priority: low, medium, high, and critical. Each segment represents a given priority.

Open Cases by Assignee

The Cases by Assignee visualization is a bar chart that counts the number of cases assigned to each user. The horizontal axis represents number of cases. The vertical axis represents users.

Open Cases by Use Case

The Open Cases by Use Case visualization is a bar chart that counts the number of cases associated with each use case. The horizontal axis represents the number of cases. The vertical axis represents use cases.

Performance Metrics

Under Performance Metrics, understand your team's performance using visualizations, including:

You can use these metrics to justify headcount, prove that your team complies with service-level agreements (SLAs), and show your leadership what cases are affecting your organization and how effectively your team is responding to them.


Closed Cases is a single value-style visualization that counts the number of cases in the Closed stage.

Mean time to resolution (hours)

Mean time to resolution (hours) is a single value-style visualization that shows the average time taken to resolve cases. The time taken to resolve a case is measured in hours from the case Creation Timestamp Time to Closed Timestamp Time. Mean time to resolution is defined by the formula:

Equation 1. 

where RT is the mean time to resolution, h is the number of hours between the case Creation Timestamp Time to Closed Timestamp Time, and n is the total number of cases resolved.

Mean Dwell Time (hours)

Mean Dwell Time (hours) is a single value-style visualization that shows the average time taken to detect and respond to cases. Dwell time is measured in hours from the alert Creation Timestamp Time to the case Creation Timestamp Time. Average dwell time is defined by the formula:

Equation 2. 

where DT is the mean dwell time, h is the number of hours between the alert Creation Timestamp Time to event Creation Timestamp Time, and n is the total number of cases detected and responded to.

Closed Cases by Month

Closed Cases by Month is a line graph that shows the number of cases closed per month. The horizontal axis represents months. The vertical axis represents the number of cases.

Mean Time to Resolution by Month

Mean Time to Resolution by Month is a line graph that shows the average time taken to resolve cases per month. The time taken to resolve a case is measured in hours from the case Creation Timestamp Time to Closed Timestamp Time. The average time to resolution is defined by the formula:

Equation 3. 

where RT is the mean time to resolution, h is the number of hours between the case Creation Timestamp Time to Closed Timestamp Time for cases resolved in a given month, and n is the total number of cases resolved that month.

The horizontal axis represents months. The vertical axis represents the average hours taken to resolve cases.

Opened Cases by Incident Type

Opened Cases by Incident Type is a bubble chart that counts the number of cases of each use case opened each month. The horizontal axis represents months. The vertical axis represents use case. Each bubble represents the number of cases.