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Event SelectionEvent Selection Release Notes

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Event Selection Features Introduced in 2023

October 2023



Event Statement Bulk Management

You can now enable, disable, or delete multiple event statements at a time. You can select all event statements or specific event statements.


March 2023



New Dialog for Recommended Policy Updates

You will now receive notifications of updates to the recommended Event Selection default policy, and you can decide how you want to manage them through a simple dialog box.


For more info, see Manage Default Policy Updates.

February 2023



Introducing Pre-Blocking for Vendors and Products

Event Selection has added a Pre-Blocking feature to simplify the workflow of filtering in or out all events from specified vendors and/or products in Advanced Analytics. You can now quickly block and unblock vendor and/or product events so you can focus on only the events that you want to see. For more info, see Pre-Block Vendors and Products.

January 2023



Saved Policies

You can now build a library of saved policies that you can manage from Event Selection. For each saved policy, you can view, edit, and re-enable the policy. This allows you to save backups of current policies that can be reimplemented at any time.

You can also annotate the policies with notes about changes made to the policies by you or others. This allows you to easily manage your environment, by understanding and recovering from changes made by others.

See Save a Copy of Your Active Policy and Load a Saved Event Selection Policy.

Improvements to Vendor and Product Visibility

You can now select from a global list to filter on Vendors and Products, choosing to include or exclude. Previously, to exclude or include specific Vendors and Products you had to create an exclusion on every configured Activity Type. This provides a simple way to phase out deployments by removing unwanted Vendors and Products while fine tuning your policies.