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Cloud ConnectorsSetup

Table of Contents


Sizing Cloud Connectors for On-Premises Deployments

To ensure that your on-premises Exabeam Cloud Connectors deployment is appropriately resourced, it is important to forecast the total number of events per second (EPS) across your cloud connectors. This calculation depends on the data sources you need to ingest and the specifications of the system that hosts the Exabeam Cloud Connectors platform.

Initial Sizing

Consider the following when sizing an initial deployment:

  • Total EPS across all connectors

  • Number of Cloud Connectors with Heavy Volume

Cloud Connectors with Heavy Volume

The system that hosts your Exabeam Cloud Connectors platform can scale up and is mostly CPU-bound in its workload. Exabeam Cloud Connectors can automatically utilize all cores without additional configuration.

Cloud Connectors that are typically high-volume in terms of EPS include::

  • GCP (if >10 Sinks)

  • AWS (if >10 CloudWatch Logs groups)

  • Azure EventHub (if >1K EPS)

  • Azure Log Analytics (if >1K EPS OR >20 ALAs)

  • Crowdstrike Falcon Data Replicator

  • Cisco Umbrella

  • Custom Connector (if >1K EPS)

  • Google Cloud PubSub

Specifications by Instance Types

The following table describes the recommended specifications for specific types of instances:

Instance Type


Cloud Connector Capacity


Tiny box

Up to 2K EPS.

No heavy volume connectors

4 Core, 15GB RAM, 500GB disk

Standard box

Up to 10K EPS

Up to 3 heavy volume connectors

16 Core, 30GB RAM, 500GB disk

Large box

Up to 20K EPS

Up to 6 heavy volume connectors

32 Core, 32GB RAM, 500GB disk

Giant box

Up to 40K EPS

Up to 12 heavy volume connectors

64 Core, 64GB RAM, 500GB disk

Edge case (Single-instance)

In excess of 40K EPS

1 heavy volume connector that can’t scale across multiple machines

128 Core, 64GB RAM, 500GB disk

Edge case (Multi-instance)

In excess of 40K EPS

1 heavy volume connector that can scale across machines:

  • AWS Multi-tenant

  • Custom Connector (Authentication method is s3-sqs-authn-type or Kafka)

  • Crowdstrike FDR

  • Azure EventHub

Set up an identical Cloud Connector configuration on 2 or more separate instances according to the desired EPS. Doing so will provide a linear capacity growth. 2+ instances


The RAM used by the different application components should be adjusted to the instance type in the following distribution:

  • AppConnect – 70%

  • SIEM consumer – 20%

  • Tomcat – 10%

For instructions, see Increase Memory for the Exabeam Cloud Connectors Platform.Increase Memory for the Exabeam Cloud Connectors Platform

Azure, AWS, GCP Cloud Connector Sizing

For the below vendors, the Exabeam Cloud Connectors platform provides multiple options to ingest certain data sources. The rule of thumb is that integrations that use REST APIs to collect the data are limited in their capacity. Despite optimizing log ingestion, cloud connectors sometimes meet these capacity limits. When this occurs, it is recommended to move the data to a more robust ingestion solution.

Cloud Connector





Log Analytics Workspace

EPS > 1K

Ingest via EventHub



EPS > 50

Ingest via AWS MultiTenant Connector. Additional setup of notifications to SQS is required.



EPS > 1K or more than 10 Sinks are to be synced

Forward the data to Google Cloud PubSub, and use the Google Cloud PubSub Cloud Connector.

Crowdstrike Falcon Data Replicator (FDR)

Some Crowdstrike deployments can generate a lot of data. The downloading and processing of this data is very CPU intensive. Thus, it is recommended to follow these general guidelines to make sure the FDR connector does not fall behind on tasks.

If you know the expected EPS, refer to the following table for CPU and memory sizing.


Required Cores

Required RAM













If you do not know your ingestion rate, you can refer to the following estimates based on the events per file.

Events per file


Files per Minute

Required Cores

Required RAM





















Troubleshoot Azure Sizing Issues

Log Analytics Workspace



If after deploying the Azure Cloud Connector, the data is so large that 1min of data is > 100MB, the REST API fails and Azure Cloud Connector will display the following error:

{"error":{"message":"Response size too large","code":"ResponseSizeError","correlationId":"...","innererror":{"code":"ResponseSizeError","message":"Maximum response size of 100000000 bytes exceeded. Actual response Size is 10XXXXXXX bytes."}}}

Move the data to EventHub OR reduce the scope of the query to collect only a subset of the tables in the ALA




Ingestion is lagging behind due to the total ingress throughput or the total ingress event rate across all hubs reaches the limit.

You can identify this using the graphs on the Azure EventHub page where Azure marks the EH as throttled.

Migrate the data to either:

  • A bigger EventHub. This enables more Throughput Units on the EventHub Namespace.

  • A dedicated EventHub Namespace, where you have independent allocation of Throughput Units (TU).

The EventHub is set up with too few partitions. The ingestion rate may not consume the TU but the cloud connector is limited in its ingestion power as the number of connections it can have is limited by the number of partitions.

You can identify this using the graphs on the Azure EventHub page where Azure marks the EH as throttled.

Migrate the data to an EventHub with more partitions (partitions cannot be changed after the initial EventHub setup).

Troubleshoot Office365 Sizing Issues




The Office365 Cloud Connector is in an ERROR state due to rate limiting in MCAS, with the following error message:

ClientErrorException: HTTP 429 Too Many Requests

Use the MCAS SIEM export method (see Generic SIEM integration)




A Cloud Connector is in error state with error code 429 (Rate Limit Exceeded) and is unable to keep up with ingesting up-to-date events,

If the cloud application supports exporting the logs to S3, ingest logs using a Custom Cloud Connector.

Deploy the Exabeam Cloud Connector Platform

Prerequisites to Install Exabeam Cloud Connectors

Before you install the Exabeam Cloud Connectors you must complete the following prerequisites:

  • Ensure that you have the required hardware and software components or libraries to run the Exabeam Cloud Connectors on a dedicated virtual machine (VM). For example, installation of the required Operating System (OS) and Java Rum-time.

  • Enable network security and connectivity. For example, HTTPS from the required machine to

  • Obtain the required information such as credentials, authorization settings, and licenses of the cloud application, to add the Exabeam Cloud Connectors.

  • Install a Docker Engine and Docker Compose for RHEL 8 if you want to install Cloud Connectors on RHEL 8. For more information, see Install Docker Engine on RHEL.

The following table displays the details of prerequisites to deploy Exabeam Cloud Connectors.



Hardware and Software


2 Core minimum (4 recommended)


16GB minimum

Disk space

512GB minimum

Mounted to /opt/exabeam/data/sk4 if cloud connectors is installed on an Exabeam server or /var/lib/docker/volumes in other cases.

In both cases, make sure that /var/lib/docker has at least 20GB mounted to it for miscellaneous docker data.

Operating systems

  • Ubuntu 16.04 and later

  • RHEL/ CentOS/ 7.x

Network security rules

Access for network security software used for Exabeam Cloud Connectors license activation.

Open SSL (port 443) outbound from the machine hosting the Exabeam Cloud Connectors platform to the Exabeam Cloud Connectors cloud services:

For troubleshooting capabilities, open:

Access from Exabeam Cloud Connectors to facilitate discovery of cloud apps connectors modules during installation.

SSL (port 443 and 8443) outbound from Exabeam Cloud Connectors machine to any internet address for the duration of the installation only.

For CentOS only, Exabeam Cloud Connectors auto-install requires HTTP access to the Linux package manager to download the needed Linux packages for it to run. After this is done this rule can be removed.

HTTP (port 80) outbound from the machine hosting the Exabeam Cloud Connectors platform to the Yum package manager URL.

If HTTP outbound is not permitted a reverse proxy could be used to proxy the Yum package manager requests over SSL.


The Exabeam Cloud Connectors reverse proxy is only available if coordinated with the Support team in advance.

HTTP and HTTPS outbound from the Exabeam Cloud Connector machine to the Docker registry for installation or upgrade.

Exabeam Cloud Connectors installation/upgrade process uses the following domains to retrieve and install the docker app on the machine (if outdated or missing) and the Exabeam Cloud Connectors application docker images from its registry.

  • *


An alternative is to install a docker and a docker-compose on the host.


Maximum number of open files must be 1000000.

Increase the Maximum Number of Open FilesIncrease the Maximum Number of Open Files

Install Exabeam Cloud Connectors

To install the Exabeam Cloud Connectors app:

  1. SSH into the Linux system with root or an account that has sudo-level privileges.

  2. Install the latest version or a specific version of the Exabeam cloud connectors application with or without a proxy server.


    The command for installation uses ‘screen’ to run the installation script in a separate process in such a way that if the session gets disconnected, the installation progress does not get interrupted. You must install screen on the host system. If you cannot install screen, delete the word screen from the commands that you run. Any disruption to the installation session results in corrupt installation. You must uninstall the application before reattempting the installation process.

  3. If you want to install the Exabeam cloud connectors application without a proxy sever:

    1. To install the latest version of the Exabeam cloud connectors application with no proxy server run:

      sudo screen bash -c "$(curl -L"
    2. To install a specific version of the Exabeam cloud connectors application without a proxy server, use -v=*requested version* parameter to run the installation with a specific software version when you run the following command:

      curl -L > && chmod +x && sudo screen ./ -v=*version* && rm
  4. If you want to install the Exabeam cloud connectors application with a proxy sever:

    1. To install the latest version of the Exabeam cloud connectors application with a proxy server run:

      sudo screen bash -c "$(curl -x https://proxyserver:8080 -L"
    2. To install a specific version of the Exabeam Cloud Connectors application with a proxy server, use the -v=*requested version* parameter to run the installation with a specific software version in the following command:

      curl -x https://proxyserver:8080 -L > && chmod +x && sudo screen ./ -v=*version* && rm


      If you have an authenticated proxy server, and special characters in your username or password, you must send the username or password in URL encoded format to the curl -x parameter and to the install script. Use the following command line on your terminal to see the encoded format of your user and password.

      curl -s -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective} --get --data-urlencode 'ab$#^%cd' "" | cut -c 3-

      In this example, the password is ab$#^%cd which can be replaced by your password. The result SSH into the Linux system with root or an account that has sudo-level privileges. provides you with an encoded password which in this case is: ab%24%23%5E%25cd

Activate the Exabeam Cloud Connectors License

Use this procedure to activate the Exabeam Cloud Connectors Platform license for the first time.

  1. Log on to the Exabeam Cloud Connector platform.

  2. Enter you Cloud Connector license key.



    Verify that the green OK icon, indicating that your license is valid, is present.

  3. Read the Cloud Connector End User License Agreement carefully, and click I Agree.

  4. Click SAVE & CONTINUE.

Set up an Integration User

You can set up an integration user for Exabeam Cloud Connectors application open-API usage during the installation process.

To set up an integration user:

  1. Use the following optional parameters:

    • -u=inetgration-user-name

    • -p=integration-user-password

    • -r=integration-user-role


      The only valid value is ‘integration-admin’. If you are setting a regular, non-admin integration user, do not use this parameter.

  2. Run the following installation commands based on your requirement.

    1. If you want to install the Exabeam Cloud Connectors application without a proxy sever run:

      curl -L > && chmod +x && sudo ./ -u=myintegrationuser -p=myintegerationuserpassword -r=integration-admin && rm
    2. If you want to install the Exabeam Cloud Connectors application with a proxy sever run:

      curl -L > && chmod +x && sudo ./ -u=myintegrationuser -p=myintegerationuserpassword -r=integration-admin && rm


      Apply encoding for the special characters in the user name and password.

  3. Insert the following parameters when prompted:


    Existing Text

    1. Proxy server [] :

      • If you have no proxy The default is no proxy in use. Press enter if no proxy is in use. 

      • If you are running behind a proxy: insert the proxy DNS and port (e.g. proxyserver:8080). If the proxy requires authentication, also enter your credentials i.e. https://myuser:[email protected]:8080)

        Again, if you have special characters in the user or the password or both, you have to send the encoded strings here.

    2. License key: Insert your Exabeam Cloud Connectors app license key.

    3. Application port [8443]: Port used by the Exabeam Cloud Connectors web application. Enter for default 8443.

    4. You should see the two lines (as shown in the figure):

      >> Testing license key
      >> License key is valid

Activate the Exabeam Cloud Connectors License

Use this procedure to activate the Exabeam Cloud Connectors Platform license for the first time.

  1. Log on to the Exabeam Cloud Connector platform.

  2. Enter you Cloud Connector license key.



    Verify that the green OK icon, indicating that your license is valid, is present.

  3. Read the Cloud Connector End User License Agreement carefully, and click I Agree.

  4. Click SAVE & CONTINUE.

Migrate an Existing Deployment to Another Server

When migrating from a source system to a target system, both systems must be on the same software version of Exabeam Cloud Connectors.

Versions 2.4.x of the Exabeam Cloud Connectors platform use zookeeper for configuration management while versions 2.5.x use etcd. It is highly recommended that you upgrade your existing systems to the latest Exabeam Cloud Connectors platform version (2.5.x) using etcd before proceeding with the migration. If you need to remain on your current version, you may do so, however you will need to contact support to get the installation command to your specific version.

If you wish to upgrade your source system before continuing to do the migration, see Upgrade the Exabeam Cloud Connectors Platform.

There are two ways to migrate the Exabeam Cloud Connectors platform: manually or automatic. In both of the sections, there are steps to migrate configurations from one Exabeam Cloud Connectors platform instance (the source) to another (the target). The migration must be done between instances with exactly the same code version. Choose the preferred method.

Automate the Migration of Exabeam Cloud Connectors Platform to a Target System

  1. In the source system, please run the following command:

     sudo bash -c "$(curl -L" $@ 2>&1 | tee "migration-export-at-`date --iso-8601=ns`.log"
  2. When prompted, enter a path where your configurations will be saved. Please make sure it is a non-existing directory.

    When the process is finished, you should see the message: ==> Done export! The backup dir is in:<Your backup directory>.

  3. Copy the directory created in step 1, from the source system to the target system (using scp or rsync for example)

  4. In the target system, please run the following command:

    sudo bash -c "$(curl -L" $@ 2>&1 | tee "migration-import-at-`date --iso-8601=ns`.log"
  5. When prompted, enter the path to the directory that was copied in step 2.

    When the process is finished, you should see the messages: Services are running successfully and then ==> Done import!

Manually Migrate the Exabeam Cloud Connectors Platform to a Target System

Please apply instructions that matches your migration path.

  1. On the source system, go to the Cloud Connectors UI , navigate to Settings > Accounts and stop all the active accounts one by one. Then, wait at least 5 minutes to let each account stop gracefully. Note of the accounts that were active.

  2. Remove any old utilities image from the system. On the source system terminal, run the following command:

    sudo docker image rm -f skyformation/troubleshoot-utils 

    If the image is not present you will get the following error :

    Error: No such image: skyformation/troubleshoot-utils

    This is okay. You can ignore this error.

  3. Export source settings:

    On the source host, run the following based on your migration path:

    • If your systems (source and target) run Exabeam Cloud Connectors platform 2.5.x, apply the following command to send configurations into a sk4etcdkbackup- folder (the folder will be created in the same directory where you ran the command):

       sudo docker run --rm --network=sk4_isolated_nw -v "$PWD/sk4etcdbackup-$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S)":/local skyformation/troubleshoot-utils:latest etcd-export /local 
    • To continue using Exabeam Cloud Connectors platform 2.4.x, run the following command to send configurations into a sk4zookbackup-<date> folder (the folder will be created in the same directory where you ran the command):

       sudo docker run --rm --network=sk4_isolated_nw -v "$PWD/sk4zookbackup-$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S)":/local skyformation/troubleshoot-utils:latest zookeeper-export /local
  4. (Version 2.5.x only) Install Exabeam Cloud Connectors platform on the target host with the same Exabeam Cloud Connectors platform version as the source. To confirm the source version, in the Exabeam Cloud Connectors platform UI go to Settings > General. To install the Exabeam Cloud Connectors platform with a specific software version, see Install Exabeam Cloud Connectors. To install version 2.4 on your target host, please contact support to get the command to install old version.

  5. Stop the SK4 service on both the source and the target:

    sudo systemctl stop sk4compose
  6. Override the encryption key in the target with the one from the source:

    1. Find the location of the docker-compose.yml file on the source and target systems and if an override file exists (source only)

      1. On the terminal of each system, type:

        cat /etc/systemd/system/sk4compose.service | grep ExecStart 
      2. In the output line, the compose file path shows after the -f. If more than one file appears as a parameter -f, the first one is the compose file and the second one is the override file.

        An example result:

        ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/docker-compose -f /opt/sk4/docker-compose.yml up
        The docker-compose.yml file full path is /opt/sk4/docker-compose.yml


        The location of the docker-compose.yml file may be different between the source and the target. This is okay. You should not change the location of the file on any system.

    2. Find the SKYFORMATION_ENC_KEY string from the source and target machines. Run the following:

      grep SKYFORMATION_ENC_KEY <compose file full path> | uniq | cut -f2- -d=
    3. Replace the SKYFORMATION_ENC_KEY env variable in the target machine (using the key from the source machine). On the target machine run the following:

      sudo sed -i 's/<CURRENT_KEY_IN_TRG>/<OLD_KEY_FROM_SOURCE>/g' <target system compose file full path>

      Repeat the command from to get the SKYFORMATION_ENC_KEY on the target to make sure it was successfully replaced.

    4. If an override file exists on the source machine, copy it to the directory where the compose resides on the target system and edit the file /etc/systemd/system/sk4compose.service to add the additional -f flag with the override file, similar to what was in the source system.

  7. Copy the contents of the three docker volumes (sk4_conf, sk4_pg_data, sk4_pg_conf) from the source system to the target system:

    1. First, find out the location of these docker volumes on the source and target systems – it is not necessarily in the same path! modify only the content, do not change the path/location of the volume on the target system.

      To find the path, type (source and target systems):

      sudo docker volume inspect sk4_conf

      The path is listed under the Mountpoint entry. The three volumes are all located under the same root path.

    2. For each of the three volumes, copy the *contents* of the directory from the source system into their corresponding locations on the target system (using scp or rsync for example).

    3. Check file permissions on YML and SH files in the sk4_conf directory on the target:

      • For the SH file, the execute flag should be enabled. If not, run chmod +x *.sh to configure file permissions.

      • For the YML files, read+write access is required for the user account that runs the Exabeam Cloud Connectors platform.

  8. On the target system, start the configuration service based on your installation version.

    • If the target is running the Exabeam Cloud Connectors platform 2.5.x (or later) run:

      sudo /usr/local/bin/docker-compose -f <docker compose yml full path> up -d sk4etcd 
    • If the target is running the Exabeam Cloud Connectors platform 2.4.x :

      sudo /usr/local/bin/docker-compose -f <docker compose yml full path>  up -d zookeeper 
  9. Import configurations into the target, based on your installation:

    1. Copy the sk4etcdkbackup-<date> or sk4zookbackup-<date> folder generated in Step 3 from the source system to the local home folder ($PWD) on the target.

    2. Run the command for the your migration path:

      • If the target is on Exabeam Cloud Connectors platform 2.5.x, import the etcd contents using the sk4etcdkbackup-<date> folder:

        sudo docker run --rm --network=sk4_isolated_nw -v "$PWD/sk4etcdbackup-<date that was created during the import>":/local skyformation/troubleshoot-utils:latest etcd-import /local 

        Run the following command to ensure data has been imported successfully. You should see entries (more than one) for the imported data, specifically there should be an entry for each account that was imported:

         sudo docker container exec -it sk4etcd etcdctl get "" --prefix=true --keys-only
      • If the target is on Exabeam Cloud Connectors platform 2.4.x, import the zookeeper contents using the sk4etcdkbackup- folder:

        sudo docker run --rm --network=sk4_isolated_nw -v "$PWD/sk4zookbackup-<date> ":/local skyformation/troubleshoot-utils:latest zookeeper-import /local
  10. Start the Exabeam Cloud Connectors platform on the target:

    sudo systemctl start sk4compose
  11. On the Exabeam Cloud Connectors UI on the target, start all the accounts that were active on the source.

  12. After verifying data is flowing on the target, stop and disable Exabeam Cloud Connectors on the source:

    sudo systemctl stop sk4compose
    sudo systemctl disable sk4compose 

Upgrade the Exabeam Cloud Connectors Platform

This workflow applies to Exabeam Cloud Connectors deployments on Linux systems.

Before starting the upgrade process, a backup for your configurations will occur automatically.

You will be asked to enter a full path to a directory that does not already exist where the configurations will be saved.

If the upgrade fails at one of the stages, it will automatically revert your system to its initial state, using the backup directory. In this case, you will receive the following message at the end of the rollback: The system has been reverted to its original state. Please open a support call and attach the update log saved in sk4-update-at-<current-date>

You can use the following flags when running the upgrade:

  • -b or --backup_dir ­­– Backup directory for the configurations before the upgrade.

  • --nobackup – Skip the backup configuration process.


    If you use this flag and the upgrade fails, roll back to the original state will not be possible automatically nor manually.

To upgrade the Exabeam Cloud Connectors app:

  1. Before you begin, you must have previously installed the Exabeam Cloud Connectors platform on your Linux system. See Install Exabeam Cloud Connectors.

  2. Run software updates.


    The command uses screen to run the script in a separate process such that if the session disconnects, it will not disrupt the script's progress. If screen in not installed on the host, it is recommended to install it before proceeding further. If it is not possible to install screen, remove the word screen from the command; keep in mind that any disruption to the session will result in corrupt installation, and a manual restoration to a working state will be required.

    1. SSH into the Linux system with root or an account that has sudo-level privileges.

      Without proxy

      sudo screen bash -c "$(curl -L"

      With a proxy

      sudo screen bash -c "$(curl -x https://proxyserver:8080 -L"


      If you have an authenticated proxy and you have special characters in your username or password, you need to send them the curl -x parameter in url-encoded format.

      curl -s -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective} --get --data-urlencode'ab$#^%cd'""| cut -c 3

      The result on the screen is the encoded password, in this case: ab%24%23%5E%25cd.

      In case you're having trouble logging into our docker repository, see Log in to the Docker Repository.

    2. Configure access to verify the web app is accessible.

      Open your Chrome browser and enter the URL for your web app using the following format: https://<exabeamserver>:8443

    3. Approve the certificate for the web app.


      Select the Advanced link and then in the expanded section, select the Proceed to link.

    4. Enter your user name and password on the login page of the Exabeam Cloud Connectors platform.



If the upgrade fails or you need to revert the system to its original state, you can revert the Exabeam Cloud Connector platform to the previous state.

Uninstall the Exabeam Cloud Connectors Platform

Use this workflow to uninstall Exabeam Cloud Connectors 2.1.21 or a later release. If you are using an older version of Exabeam Cloud Connectors, please upgrade to the most recent version.


The uninstall process removes both the Exabeam software and the Exabeam data from your machine. This is an irreversible process.

The Docker and Docker compose are not uninstalled by this process.

The command uses screen to run the script in a separate process, such that if the session disconnects it will not disrupt the script's progress. If screen in not installed on the host, it is recommended that it is installed beforehand. If it is not possible to install screen, remove the word screen from the command; keep in mind that any disruption to the session will result in corrupt installation, and an uninstall will be required before reattempting installation.

  1. SSH into the Linux machine that hosts the Exabeam Cloud Connectors app with an account that has root-level permissions.

  2. Run the command that is relevant to your deployment.

    Without proxy

    sudo screen bash -c "$(curl -L"

    With a proxy

    sudo screen bash -c "$(curl -x https://proxyserver:8080 -L"


    If you use an authenticated proxy, and you have special characters in your username or password, you need to send them the curl -x parameter in url-encoded format. If needed, use the following command line on your terminal to view the encoded format of your user and password (in this example the password is ab$#^%cd, replace it with yours):

    curl -s -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective} --get --data-urlencode 'ab$#^%cd' "" | cut -c 3-

    In this example, the encoded password that would be displayed on screen is ab%24%23%5E%25cd.