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Legacy Exabeam Site Collector GuideExabeam Site Collector Administration Guide (Legacy)

Advanced Exabeam Site Collector Customizations

Exabeam Site Collector's standard features and configurations are usually enough to get your log ingestion and forwarding working. However, your deployment may require customizations.

Here are some customizations you can implement in your site collector:

Supported Exabeam Site Collector Changes

For a list of all options, use --help.

Below are all supported changes you can make. For other changes, please contact your Exabeam Customer Success at Exabeam Community for further guidance.

  • Operating system updates

  • Site collector server IP changes

    1. Once the IP of the server has been changed, edit the listener and SSL parameters in /opt/kafka/config/ with the new IP.

      advertised.listeners=EXTERNAL_PLAINTEXT://<new_ip>:9092, EXTERNAL_SSL://<new_IP>:9093, INTERNAL_SSL://localhost:9094
    2. Restart Kafka.

      sudo systemctl restart kafka
  • Log retention change (default is 24 hours)

    1. Edit log.retention.hours in /opt/kafka/config/

    2. Restart the kafka service.

      sudo systemctl restart kafka
  • RAM re-allocation to logstash

    1. Edit the -Xm parameters in /opt/logstash/config/jvm.options, like the ones shown here:

      • -Xms<ram>g

      • -Xmx<ram>g

    2. Restart the kafka.

      sudo systemctl restart logstash 
  • RAM re-allocation to kafka

    1. Edit the -Xm parameters in the export variable in /opt/kafka/bin/

      export KAFKA_HEAP_OPTS="-Xmx<ram>G -Xms<ram>G"
    2. Restart the kafka service.

      sudo systemctl restart kafka

Configure Transport Layer Security (TLS) Syslog Ingestion

For Hardware and Virtual Deployments Only

Exabeam Site Collector supports TLS Syslog ingestion. Using TLS certificates, you can implement a whitelist in your deployment.

  1. Open port 515 at your firewall to log traffic.

  2. Replace existing default authentication certificates with TLS certificates. Default certificates are located at:




  3. Restart logstash services to apply the certificates.

    sudo systemctl restart logstash

Direct Kafka Input to Exabeam Site Collector

Kafka sources may reside in various locations in and out of your deployed environment that is protected behind a firewall. You can leverage Kafka for variety of use cases, including having it used as an interim logs storage/distribution point. A Kafka agent is an efficient means to send logs to a site collector to ingest and forward to SaaS or on-premises Data Lake deployments.

Before implementing an external Kafka source, confirm your environment meets the following criteria:

  • No proxy services are in use between the site collector and Kafka source

  • Your Kafka source has a network connection for data traffic to the site collector

  • A site collector has been installed at the site collector host (For more information on site collector installation, see Install Exabeam Site Collector)Install the Exabeam Site Collector

  • Data is shipped in JSON or plain text format only

  • Data is shipped without Kafka headers

  • Messages are less than 1 Mb in size

  • Kafka 1.1, and later, is in use

Supported deployment types:

  • Kafka message ingestion without authentication

  • TLS-configured Kafka using certificates, but without client login-password authentication


Not all TLS configurations are supported, please verify by consulting an Exabeam technical representative.


Compression is used depending on the external Kafka configuration. Messages can be set with:

  • GZip

  • Snappy

  • No compression

Ensure you have latest and matching Exabeam Site Collector installer version for you deployment. For more information, see Install Exabeam Site Collector.Install the Exabeam Site Collector

Unpack the Exabeam Site Collector installer package at your Kafka host. See all available installation options with the help command:

sudo <Exabeam_Site_Collector_installer>/bin/ -help

If the connection between the Kafka source and site collector is to use SSL, generate authentication certificates before you start the Kafka installation. Authentication certificates need to be generated at the Kafka host. Copy the store files to the site collector host.

  1. Run the at the external Kafka host (script found Exabeam Site Collector installer directory at the site collector).


    Generating new key and trust stores will affect existing authentication configurations. Therefore reconfigure existing SSL connections before running this script.

    #warning: reconfig >> 
    sudo ./bin/

    A successful executed script will produce the following message:

    Certificates generation process finished
    Kafka CA certificate: .../kafka-ca.pem
    Kafka client certificate: .../kafka-cert.pem
    Kafka client key: .../kafka-key.pem
    Kafka keystore file: .../kafka.keystore.jks
    Kafka truststore file: .../kafka.truststore.jks

    The keystore/truststore password used to generate the files is found in Replace the default password before running this script.

    cat | grep password=
  2. Five files are generated. Copy the generated PEM files to the site collector host. (JKS files remain in place.)

    kafka-ca.pem          # root certificate
    kafka-cert.pem        # client cert
    kafka-key.pem         # client key
    kafka.keystore.jks    # kafka keystore
    kafka.truststore.jks  # kafka truststore

You should have the following:

Run the installation steps that best apply to your deployment environment and data flow:

Use this installation method if your environment does not need or support encrypted connections.

  1. Configure a plaintext listener at the external Kafka host. Edit the following parameters in kafka/config/

  2. Restart Zookeeper and Kafka services at the Kafka host to apply configurations. Verify that configurations are correct by verifying in the logs of both services at the Kafka host.

  3. Run the following command at the site collector host in the Exabeam Site Collector installer directory:

    sudo ./bin/ -name=<name> -kafka-hosts=<addr:port,addr:port> -kafka-topics=<topic1,topic2> 
    # Where the parameters are:
    #  -name=<name>                          The unique name of Kafkabeat for External Kafka (it can only contain upper and lowercase letters, and numbers)
    #  -kafka-hosts=<addr:port,addr:port>    Coma-separated list of External Kafka brockers
    #  -kafka-topics=<topic1,topic2>         Coma-separated list of External Kafka topics

This installation method requires kafka-ca.pem authentication file generated at the external Kafka host.

  1. Configure the port at the external Kafka host. Edit the following parameters in kafka/config/ for SSL with server verification on the client side.

  2. Configure the SSL options in kafka/config/ at the external Kafka host.

    ssl.keystore.password=<keystore_password>  # password used to generate file
    ssl.truststore.password=<truststore_password> # password used to generate file

    Here is an example configuration with Kafka host paths, using server-based verification:

  3. Restart Zookeeper and Kafka services at the Kafka host to apply configurations. Verify that configurations are correct by verifying in the logs of both services at the Kafka host.

  4. Run the following command at the site collector host in the Exabeam Site Collector installer directory:

    sudo ./bin/ --install -name=<connection_name> -kafka-hosts=<kafka_hostname|kafka_ip>:9093 -kafka-topics=<kafka_topic> --certificate-authority=/<full_path>/kafka-ca.pem 

    Here is an example of an installation:

    sudo ./bin/ --install -name=test1 -kafka-topics=your.topic -certificate-authority=/path/to/kafka-ca.pem

This installation method requires kafka-ca.pem, kafka-key.pem, and kafka-cert.pem authentication file generated at the external Kafka host.

  1. Configure the port at the external Kafka host. Edit the following parameters in kafka/config/

  2. Configure the SSL options in kafka/config/ at the external Kafka host.

    ssl.keystore.password=<keystore_password>  # password used to generate file
    ssl.truststore.password=<truststore_password> # password used to generate file

    Here is an example configuration with Kafka host paths, using server-based verification:

  3. Restart Zookeeper and Kafka services at the Kafka host to apply configurations. Verify that configurations are correct by verifying in the logs of both services at the Kafka host.

  4. Run the following command at the site collector host in the Exabeam Site Collector installer directory:

    sudo ./bin/ --install -name=<connection_name> -kafka-hosts=<kafka_hostname|kafka_ip>:9093 -kafka-topics=<kafka_topic> -certificate=/<full_path>/kafka-cert.pem -certificate-authority=/<full_path>/kafka-ca.pem -key=/<full_path>/kafka-key.pem

    Here is an example of an installation:

    sudo ./bin/ --install -name=test1 -kafka-topics=your.topic -certificate-authority=/path/to/kafka-ca.pem -certificate=/path/to/kafka-cert.pem -key=/path/to/kafka-key.pem

Run the script with the -list flag. For example:

sudo <Exabeam_Site_Collector_installer>/bin/ -list
  1. Use -uninstall to remove the Kafka service on the host.

    sudo ./bin/ -uninstall -name=<kafka_broker_name>

    Here is an example of an uninstall instruction:

    sudo ./bin/ -uninstall -name=test1

    A successful uninstall will produce messages like:

       Parsing current options
          - Action:  uninstall
          - Name:  test1
          - Uninstalling External Kafka test1...
          - Uninstalling External Kafka manager for test1 ...
          - Deregister manager config:  /opt/exabeam/beats/test1/manager
          - Deregister manager agent:  abbdd3e5b92440899a44315c0bf9d56a
          - Uninstalling External Kafka worker for test1 ...
    [Removing the Kafkabeat for External Kafka test1 is done!]
  2. Reset the listener port configuration at the external Kafka host.

  • If no data has been sent or received, verify that the site collector is running at the external Kafka host.

    sudo systemctl status exabeam-kafka-<connecttion_alias>-collector
  • If messages stop abruptly, inspect the logs at the Kafka host for error messages.

    sudo cat /opt/exabeam/beats/<hostname>/worker/logs/kafkabeat
  • If the Kafka log is larger than 1 MB, enable log truncation by editing the processors parameter in /opt/exabeam/beats/<hostname>/worker/kafkabeat.yml. Set the max_bytes to 1000000 bytes. Alternatively, but not at the same time, you can limit the event log size by the number of characters by editing max_characters.

    - truncate_fields:
        - message
        max_bytes: 1048576
        max_characters: 1000
  • Verify that parameters used during installation are applicable for your environment. Review the full list of options using <Exabeam_Site_Collector_installer>/bin/ -help:

    -help                                 Print this help section
    -uninstall                            Uninstall the Kafkabeat for External Kafka
    -list                                 List all the installed Kafkabeats for External Kafka
    -name=<name>                          The unique name of Kafkabeat for External Kafka (it can only contain lowercase letters, and numbers)
    -kafka-hosts=<addr:port,addr:port>    Coma-separated list of External Kafka brockers
    -kafka-topics=<topic1,topic2>         Coma-separated list of External Kafka topics
    -certificate-authority=<path>         The path to the certificate authority file (*.pem) that is used in Kafka SSL configuration to verify the SSL connection with Kafka server
    -certificate=<path>                   The path to the certificate file (*.pem) that is used in Kafka SSL configuration for client certificate authorization (must be used with -key flag)
    -key=<path>                           The path to the key file (*.pem) that is used in Kafka SSL configuration for client certificate authorization

Add a Secondary Syslog Destination

To leverage event data from Site Collector for additional IT operations, you can add a secondary Syslog destination in deployments that include Data Lake. The secondary destination can be located on premise or in a virtual environment. Examples of how a secondary destination can be used include the following:

  • To meet legal requirements for storing data on premise

  • To gain additional insights from the data in non-security applications

  • To ease cloud adoption and migration and avoid business interruptions

  • To support disaster recovery operations

Before a secondary Syslog destination can be added, the site collector needs to be deployed. For information on installing the site collector, see Install the Exabeam Site Collector in the Exabeam Site Collector Guide.

  1. To add a Syslog destination, run the following command:

    sudo ./ -v --feature=uba --reinstall --destination=[syslog_destination_name] --aa-listener=[IP or host name and port. Example:]
  2. Confirm that you want to reinstall the Site Collector.

     - Seems like you already installed site-collector (2.1.0), do you want to reinstall? (y/n): y

    The following output is returned.

    [Install Kafka AA for aa1]
    7      - Installing AA target group aa1 ...
    8      - Prepare Kafka AA folder aa1
    9      - Target group name :  aa1
    10      - Target group topic:  lms.kafka.topic
    11      - Target host:port  :
    12      - Target worker dir :  /opt/exabeam/beats/aa1/worker
    13      - Target manager dir:  /opt/exabeam/beats/aa1/manager
    14      - Target EPS limit  :  0
    15      - Setting uba-worker files for aa1 ...
    16      - Setting uba-worker config:  /opt/exabeam/beats/aa1/worker/kafkabeat.yml
    17      - Create uba-worker service:  exabeam-kafka-aa1-collector
    18      - Setting uba-manager files for aa1 ...
    19      - Setting uba-manager config:  /opt/exabeam/beats/aa1/manager/exabeat.yml
    20      - Create uba-manager service:  exabeam-kafka-aa1-log-manager
    21[Finished install Kafka AA for aa1]
  3. To verify that the destination was added, run the following command:

    sudo /opt/exabeam/tools/

    For Data Lake customers, destinations can also be verified by logging in to Data Lake and navigating to Settings > Collector Management > Collectors .

Remove a Syslog Destination

  1. Run the following command with the name of the destination that you want to remove.

    sudo ./ -v --feature=gcs --uninstall --destination=[syslog_destination_name]
  2. Confirm that you want to uninstall the destination.

     - Seems like you have installed site-collector (2.1.0), do you want to uninstall? (y/n): 

    The output is similar to the following:

    [Site collector uninstall is confirmed]
    [Uninstalling Kafka AA for aa1]
          - Uninstalling AA target group aa1...
          - Uninstalling uba manager for aa1 ...
          - Deregister manager config:  /opt/exabeam/beats/aa1/manager
          - Deregister uba manager agent:  498acc14f5164adbbffd5be37d5b8598
          - Uninstalling gcs worker for aa1 ...
          - Remove Kafka AA folder:  /opt/exabeam/beats/aa1
    [Finished uninstalling Kafka AA for aa1]

Filter Incoming Syslog Events in Exabeam Site Collector

For known threats in high-volume log scenarios, you can apply a filter on inbound syslog events to reduce the amount of data sent to your Exabeam SaaS deployment. You will edit the input configuration file with the filter string. Filtering will capture syslog events with known threat patterns. It will not capture events using "not match" parameters (for example, filtering will not capture for "X != event").

  1. SSH to the host of your site collector and create a back up of the configuration file to your home folder.

    cp   /opt/logstash/conf.d/syslog2kafka.conf  ~/01-syslog-input.conf.orig
  2. Append the filter code to /opt/logstash/conf.d/syslog2kafka.conf. In this example, the filter uses "drop-string-" and "drop-string-2" as the filter.

    filter {
        if "drop-string-" in [message] or "drop-string-2" in [message] {
            drop { }
  3. Restart the syslog service.

    sudo systemctl restart logstash
    # Verify service status
    sudo systemctl status logstash

    Use sudo journalctl -e -u logstash to display the syslog status log. A successful restart will resemble the log records below, ending with a Successfully started record.

    Mar 25 20:23:57 dl docker[21481]: [2019-03-25T20:23:57,726][INFO ][logstash.inputs.tcp      ] Starting tcp input listener {:address=>""}
    Mar 25 20:23:57 dl docker[21481]: [2019-03-25T20:23:57,731][INFO ][logstash.inputs.tcp      ] Starting tcp input listener {:address=>""}
    Mar 25 20:23:58 dl docker[21481]: [2019-03-25T20:23:58,229][INFO ][logstash.pipeline        ] Pipeline main started
    Mar 25 20:23:58 dl docker[21481]: [2019-03-25T20:23:58,233][INFO ][logstash.inputs.udp      ] Starting UDP listener {:address=>""}
    Mar 25 20:23:58 dl docker[21481]: [2019-03-25T20:23:58,253][INFO ][logstash.inputs.udp      ] UDP listener started {:address=>"", :receive_buffer_bytes=>"106496", :queue_size=>"2000"}
    Mar 25 20:23:58 dl docker[21481]: [2019-03-25T20:23:58,268][INFO ][logstash.agent           ] Successfully started Logstash API endpoint {:port=>9600}
  4. Verify the filter is working by sending the filter string to site collector's ingest port. In this example, the filter uses drop-string- and drop-string-2 as the filter.

    logger -n localhost -T -P 514 test message from other system 1; logger -n localhost -T -P 514 test message from other system 2;logger -n localhost -T -P 514 test message drop-string-1 1; logger -n localhost -T -P 514 test message drop-string-2 1; logger -n localhost -T -P 514 test message drop-string-1 2; logger -n localhost -T -P 514 test message drop-string-2 2; logger -n localhost -T -P 514 test message from other system 3;

Filtering Outbound Logs in Exabeam Site Collector

Exabeam Site Collector supports log filtering before uploading the logs to configured destinations. The site collector can drop entire events if filtering conditions are matched. Site collectors use Kafkabeat for the outbound message processing. Configurations are made in /opt/exabeam/beats/<TARGET>/worker/kafkabeat.yml, where <TARGET> is the folder that contains the site collector destination setup.

The values in <TARGET> are the following options based on your deployment:

  • For SaaS: gcs1

  • For Data Lake on-premises: lms1

  • For Advanced Analytics on-premises: uba1

  • For custom destinations (with unique destinationIDs for each target): <destinationID>

The configuration resembles the following configuration block:

  - type: kafka
- drop_event:
      - <condition>

After updating configurations, restart Kafkabeat with the following command:

sudo systemctl restart exabeam-kafka-<TARGET>-collector

Kafkabeat does not parse the event. Rather, it sends the event as-is to the destination. Filtering is based solely on the message field of an event. Listed in the following table are the five conditions in the message field that are supported:



Condition Example


Checks if a value is part of a field. The field can be a string or an array of strings. The condition accepts only a string value.

Check if an error is part of the event message

  message: "Specific error"


Checks the field against a regular expression. The condition accepts only strings.

Check if the event message has the src_ip that fits the IP range ( -

  message: "src_ip=192\\.168\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}"


An operator that receives a list of criteria to match a single condition.

Determines match to either message criteria in message ~= [DEBUG] or message ~= [TRACE]

  - contains:
      message: "[DEBUG]"
  - contains:
      message: "[TRACE]"


An operator that receives a list of criteria to match all of.

Determines match where both http.response.code = 200 and status = OK

  - equals:
      http.response.code: 200
  - equals:
      status: OK


An operator that receives the condition to negate.

Drops event if message does not match message ~= [ERROR]

    message: "[ERROR]"

Here is an example:

We need to filter out logs from a particular Filebeat that sends logs from a given IP address. The filter will match logs that contain the text [OBSOLETE] in content or that comes from the Filebeat with ID 573d5253-4e4e-4fff-92a5-8f2f227b3af1 and IP address src_ip=195.164.*.*.

A sample log resembles:

[OBSOLETE] - Mar 24 15:00:34 2020 rt=1585062034 device= name=Stephanie Kim

The filter is written to apply all three possible matching criteria:

- drop_event:
      - and:
        - contains:
            message: "\"id\":\"573d5253-4e4e-4fff-92a5-8f2f227b3af1\""
        - regexp:
            message: "src_ip=195\\.163\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}"
      - contains:
          message: "[OBSOLETE]"

Metadata Collected by Site Collector and Supported Agents

Site Collector

Site Collector collects the following metadata fields:

  • timestamp

  • timezone

  • time_off

  • hostname

Event logs processed through Site Collector include an exa_rsc prefix, as shown in the following message example:

"exa_rsc": {
    "timestamp": "2021-06-03T05:51:10.492Z",
    "timezone": "UTC",
    "time_off": 0,

Site Collector with Syslog input includes three additional fields:

  • port

  • forwarder

  • exa-message-size

 "port": 33320,
  "forwarder": "localhost",
  "exa-message-size": 22,

Filebeat and GZipBeat

Filebeat and GZipBeat agents collect the following metadata fields:

  • timestamp

  • timezone

  • time_off

  • type

  • hostname

  • path

  "@timestamp": "2021-06-03T06:54:47.122Z",
  "timezone": "UTC",
  "time_off": 0,
  "type": "filebeat",
  "hostname": "cct-ec-1-nodesa5",
  "path": "/home/exabeam/filelogs/test.log"

Add OpenVPN After Exabeam Site Collector Installation

If you have an existing and running Exabeam Site Collector on your host and you need to add OpenVPN, you can rerun the installation script with express instruction to apply the OpenVPN only. This avoids reinstalling the entire site collector package.

You will use the same installation script for new installations, upgrades, and feature add-ons. (Go to the instructions for your deployment in Install Exabeam Site Collector or Upgrade Exabeam Site Collector to see package download steps.)

In the directory where the installation file has been placed, use the following to add OpenVPN to the existing and running site collector hosts:

./ -v --dl-saas --feature=openvpn 

If a reinstallation of OpenVPN is needed, use:

./ -v --dl-saas --feature=openvpn --reinstall

Supported Exabeam Site Collector Changes

For a list of all options, use --help.

Below are all supported changes that you can make. For other changes, please contact Exabeam Customer Success for further guidance.

  • Operating system updates

  • Site Collector server IP changes

    • Once the IP of the server has been changed, edit the below line in the file: /opt/kafka/config/

    • advertised.listeners=EXTERNAL_PLAINTEXT://MYIP:9092, EXTERNAL_SSL://MYIP:9093, INTERNAL_SSL://localhost:9094

    • Then, restart Kafka: sudo systemctl restart kafka

  • Log retention change (default is 24 hours)

    • Edit the below line in the file: /opt/kafka/config/

    • log.retention.hours=24

    • Then, restart Kafka: sudo systemctl restart kafka

  • RAM allocation to logstash

    • Edit the below lines appropriately in this file: /opt/logstash/config/jvm.options

      • -Xms16g

      • -Xmx16g

    • Then, restart Kafka: sudo systemctl restart logstash

  • RAM allocation to Kafka

    • Edit the numbers before the 'G' in this file: /opt/kafka/bin/

    • export KAFKA_HEAP_OPTS="-Xmx5G -Xms5G"

    • Then, restart Kafka: sudo systemctl restart kafka