Manage your entire triage and response with Threat Center.
See what's new and changed in Threat Center.
Understand what Threat Center is and how to use it with some key concepts.
Automatically group related detections with detection grouping rules.
Learn to create, respond to, and close a case.
Learn to triage alerts and convert an alert to a case.
Keep teammates informed, update details, and work more efficiently.
Run Automation Management tools, like playbooks, on cases and alerts.
Search for specific cases or alerts according to criteria you specify.
Quickly arrange cases or alerts by risk score or age.
Build graphs using detection, alert, and case attributes in Dashboards.
Get automatically notified about important Threat Center activity.
Programmatically interact with Threat Center cases and alerts with Exabeam API.
Learn how Threat Center and its Advanced Analytics integration improves workflows.