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Threat CenterThreat Center Guide

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Threat Center APIs

Programmatically interact with Threat Center cases and alerts with Exabeam API.

To access Threat Center API endpoints, you must have an API key with Threat Center permissions. To review specific request and response parameters, review the API Reference.

The following APIs are available for Threat Center cases:





POST /threat-center/v1/search/cases

Search for cases

Search for cases that match one or more search criteria. For example, you can search for cases that are associated with a specific caseId and that reference specific rules.

Returns the timestamp of when the search request started, the timestamp of when the search request completed, cases that match the search criteria and their properties, and the total number of returned search results.

GET /threat-center/v1/cases/{caseId}

Get case details

Get details for a specific case, as identified by a case ID.

Returns attributes for the specified case.

POST /threat-center/v1/cases/{caseId}

Update case details

Update details for a specific case, as identified by case ID. Modify field values such as alertName, alertDescription, stage, closedReason, queue, assignee, priority, tags.

Returns attributes for the case.

POST /threat-center/v1/cases

Create a new case

Creates a new case associated with an alert and updates case details like stage, priority, queue, assignee, closedReason.

Returns attributes for the created case.

The following APIs are available for Threat Center alerts:





POST /threat-center/v1/search/alerts

Search for alerts

Search for alerts that match one or more search criteria. For example, you can search for alerts that are associated with a specific caseId and that reference specific rules.

Returns the timestamp of when the search request started, the timestamp of when the search request completed, alerts that match the search criteria and their properties, and the total number of returned search results.

GET /threat-center/v1/alerts/{alertId}

Get alert details

Get details for a specific alert, as identified by an alert ID.

Returns attributes for the specified alert.

POST /threat-center/v1/alerts/{alertId}

Update alert details

Update details for a specific alert, as identified by an alert ID. Modify field values such as alertName, alertDescription, priority, tags.

Returns attributes for the specified alert.