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- Entity Attributes
User Entity Attributes
Review all attributes available in Attack Surface Insights for user entities.
Entity Attribute | Definition | Example | Source |
Full Name | The printable display name for the user, usually represented as a combination of first name, middle initial, and last name. | Barbara Salazar | Context |
Source | The sources from where the entity attributes are derived. | AD | Event or Context |
User Name | The user names associated with the user. To derive the user name from an event, Attack Surface Insights considers certain event fields in a specific order:
The first event field with a value is considered the user name. | barbara.salazar | Event |
Email Address | The email addresses associated with the user. | Event | |
First Name | The given name for the user. | Barbara | Context |
Last Name | The surname or family name for the user. | Salazar | Context |
Mobile Number | The primary cellular telephone number for the user. | +1 123 456 7890 | Context |
Security Criticality | The level of potential organizational risk if the entity becomes compromised. | High | Attack Surface Insights |
Tags | Labels or keywords you create and add to entities to categorize them or indicate they have a certain characteristic. | Privileged User | Attack Surface Insights |
Badge ID | The badge ID in the event associated with the user. | C102230 | Event |
Employee ID | The code used to identify that the user works for a company. | ISED0003 | Event |
Phone Number | The primary work phone number for the user. | +1 123 456 7890 | Context |
Department | Name of the department in which the user works. | Engineering | Context |
Department Number | A number used to identify a department within an organization. | 1100 | Context |
Title | The formal job title for the user. Not typically used to indicate occupational class, like programmer; or for titles with suffixes like Esq. or DDS. | Senior Programmer | Context |
Manager | The manager to whom a user reports. | Tu Peterson | Context |
Country | Country or region where the user is located. | US | Context |
City | A locality, such as a town or city, in the user's address. | Philadelphia | Context |
Employee Type | An employment category for an employee. | Contractor | Context |
Division | The division of the company in which the user works. | R&D | Context |
Lockout | Whether the user is locked out of their accounts. | Unlocked | Event |
Is Active | Whether the user has successfully logged into an account within the last 12 hours. | True | Event |
Current Logged Endpoint | The endpoint into which the user is currently logged in. | Barbaras-MacBook-Pro | Event |
Last Logged Endpoint | The endpoint into which the user was most recently logged in. | src_host_name | Event |
Is On VPN | Whether the user is currently connected to VPN. | Connected | Event |
Last Password Reset | The time when the last user last reset their password. | 10/26/2023, 3:37:23 PM | Event |
First Seen | The time when the user was first seen. | 10/26/2023, 3:37:23 PM | Event |
Last Seen | The time when the user was last seen. | 10/26/2023, 3:37:23 PM | Event |
Last Badge Access | The location and time when the user last used their badge to access a physical location. | Pune 10/26/2023, 3:37:23 PM | Context |
User SID | A unique security identifier for a security principal object. Calculated based on a binary value that specifies a unique security identifier for the security pricipal object. | A-1-2-34-567890123-4567890123-4567890123-456789 | Event |
Event ID | The ID of the event associated with the user entity. | 12a34567-b8c9-01de-2fgh-3i45i6j7k89l | Event |
Account Status | Whether an account associated with the user is active, expired, locked out, disabled, or has an expired password. |
| Context |
Rule Name | The Attack Surface Insights rule that determined the security criticality and tags for the user entity. | Privileged Users | Attack Surface Insights |