- Get Started with Attack Surface Insights
- View Entities in Attack Surface Insights
- Search for Entities in Attack Surface Insights
- Edit Entities in Attack Surface Insights
- Entity Attributes
View Entities in Attack Surface Insights
Use Attack Surface Insights to review the entities in your environment. Learn to customize your view and navigate to the information for which you're looking.
Entities are sorted by type. To view all entities of a specific type, navigate to the tab for that entity type. The list of entities is sorted randomly. To customize your view, you can configure the list columns and sort the list. To view more details about an entity, select the entity from the list. In the entity details, review all attributes related to the entity or attributes associated with a specific account.
Manage Entity List Columns in Attack Surface Insights
Customize how columns are displayed in the list of entities for each entity type.
Sort Entities in Attack Surface Insights
Quickly arrange cases or alerts by attribute.
View Entity Details in Attack Surface Insights
Review the attributes for a specific entity.