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Security ContentExabeam Security Content in the Common Information Model

Common Information Model Event-naming Format

Events in the common information model framework are defined via a rich, multi-level hierarchy of context elements. They are not confined to a single title or description. However, a rigid event-naming convention is necessary to ensure that events are readable and manageable. Such a convention also makes it possible to create new types of events that conform to the common information model structure.

Accordingly, the Exabeam event-naming format is based on the context elements listed below and can be represented as follows: subject-sub_subject-activity:outcome

  • Subject (optional) – Listed first, the subject is the main target of an event.

  • Sub_subject (optional) – The sub_subject describes properties of the subject that are the target of an activity.

  • Activity – The active operation that was performed against the subject.

  • Outcome – An indication of whether the event had the intended outcome. Was it a success or a fail?

In addition, note that activities are only phrased in the present tense. Be sure to observe the correct naming structure and phrasing when creating new events.

Sample event names:

  • user-password-modify:fail

  • file-write:success

  • email-send:success

  • endpoint-login:fail