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Incident ResponderIncident Responder Documentation

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Respond to Security Incidents

Use Incident Responder to respond to security incidents. Run pre-configured turnkey playbooks that are ready out of the box. Create you own custom playbook that fits your specific needs and consider using templates to get started quickly. Run playbooks automatically using triggers or manually from an incident's workbench.

  • Turnkey PlaybooksTurnkey Playbooks

    Fully pre-configured turnkey playbooks are ready to run out of the box.

  • Create a PlaybookCreate a Playbook

    Create a playbook to automate your workflow, and respond more quickly and efficiently to attacks.

  • Playbook TemplatesPlaybook Templates

    If you don't want to create a playbook from scratch, use a template. These templates come out-of-the-box or you can import your own from an existing playbook.

  • Create a Playbook TriggerCreate a Playbook Trigger

    For a playbook to run automatically, define which circumstances and conditions trigger the playbook. You define a playbook trigger from the PLAYBOOKS page, or when you create or edit a playbook.

  • Manually Run an ActionManually Run an Action

    Instead of automating an action using a playbook, run an action manually on an incident from its workbench.

  • Manually Run a PlaybookManually Run a Playbook

    Instead of triggering a playbook with a certain scenario, run a playbook manually on a specific incident from its workbench.

  • Clear an Incident's Playbook and Action Outputs

    In the workbench, the outputs of all the playbook and actions you've ever run accumulate so it's hard to tell what's most recent. Clean up your workbench and only display the latest results.