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Data LakeData Lake Administration Guide

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Check ExaCloud Connector Service Health Status

To view the current status of the ExaCloud connector service:

  1. Log in to your instance of the UI.

  2. Click the top-right menu icon and select System Health.

  3. Select the Health Checks tab.

  4. Click Run Checks.

  5. Expand the Service Availability section, and then review the ExaCloud connection service availability icon.

    Service health with green dots indicate active and healthy service.

The service availability icon shows the current health of the Cloud Connector service that is deployed on your Exabeam product.

  • Green – The cloud connector service is healthy and running on your on-prem deployment.


    The green icon does not specifically indicate the cloud connector is connecting to the cloud and pulling Threat Intelligence Service data. It only indicates the cloud connector service is up and running.

  • Red – The cloud connector service has failed. Please contact Exabeam Customer Success by opening a case from