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Context ManagementContext Management Administration Guide

Active Directory Context Tables


The Active Directory option is designed to streamline the process of creating a new Active Directory context table. When an Active Directory context table is onboarded, it processes either user or device attributes that a site collector has pulled from a Microsoft Active Directory server. In the Active Directory context table, these attributes can be mapped to Exabeam target attributes.

By default, Active Directory tables map a set of specific user or device attributes that are compliant with the Exabeam common user information model. This model defines standardized user or device objects for security content across Exabeam products. You can also manually map additional raw data, fetched by an Active Directory site collector, either to an Exabeam target attribute or to a custom field.

The Active Directory user and device options are available on the Context Library tab. To create an Active Directory context table, you must first have both a site collector instance and an Active Directory site collector configured and running in the Exabeam Site Collectors service. Then you can create an Active Directory context table in the Context Management service and it can begin processing the data sent from the site collector.

For more information, see the following sections: