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Context ManagementContext Management Administration Guide

Context Management in Platform Notifications

Notifications about changes to the health of your context tables are displayed in the Exabeam Security Operations Platform notification service. To view these Platform notifications, click the notifications icon (icon-notification.png) in the top right corner of any window in the Platform application. The Your Notifications pane is displayed as shown in the image below.


Notifications are generated within 10 minutes of a change in context table status.


By default, Context Management notifications are generated when an error occurs in either the collection or the processing of context data in one of your context tables. Depending on which notifications you want to see in the Your Notifications pane, you can choose to keep notifications for Context Management turned on or decide to turn them off.

To manage your notifications:

  1. Log into the Exabeam Security Operations Platform and click the Notifications icon (icon-notification.png) in the top right corner. The notification pane opens.

  2. Click the Settings icon (icon-settings.png) to open the Preferences Notification page.

  3. Scroll to the Security Management section and locate the Context Management options.

  4. You can toggle the Context table error notification on or off.

By default, these notifications are received in the application, but you can also opt to receive them via email. For more information, see Manage Notification Preferences.

To configure group notification delivery via Teams, Slack, or web hooks, see Manage Global Notification Preferences.