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Attack Surface InsightsAttack Surface Insights Guide

Manually Edit an Entity in Attack Surface Insights

Manually edit the tags and security criticality of an entity.

You can also automatically edit certain entities based on conditions you specify using Attack Surface Insights rules.

The security criticality of an entity is one of the business factors used to calculate a related Threat Center case or alert risk score. To ensure Threat Center scores cases and alerts accurately, it's important that you assign entities the appropriate security criticality.

  1. Select an entity to edit:

    • Select the entity, then click Edit.

    • For an entity, click the More menu The more options menu; three vertical dark grey dots on an off-white background., then select Edit.

  2. Edit the tags or security criticality:

    • In Tags, specify up to 20 tags. Select from the list of existing tags or create a new one. To create a new tag, start typing, then click Add "<tag>".

    • In Security Criticality, select a security criticality: Low, Medium, or High.

  3. Click Save.