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Threat CenterThreat Center Guide

Threat Center Risk Score

Quickly understand the risk level of a detection, alert, or case.

A risk score is a measure of how risky a detection, alert, or case is. At a glance, you can better prioritize your efforts and decide whether you should spend time and resources on a case or alert.

The alert or case risk score is a sum of their detection risk scores. By default, the alert or case risk score determines the alert or case priority:

  • Critical – The risk score is greater than or equal to 75.

  • High – The risk score is less than 75 and greater than or equal to 50.

  • Medium – The risk score is less than 50 and greater than or equal to 25.

  • Low – The risk score is less than 25.

If you change the alert or case priority, the risk score remains the same.

A correlation rule detection risk score is determined by the correlation rule severity:

  • Critical – The detection is assigned a risk score of 100.

  • High – The detection is assigned a risk score of 75.

  • Medium – The detection is assigned a risk score of 50.

  • Low – The detection is assigned a risk score of 25.

  • None – The detection is assigned a risk score of zero.