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Automation ManagementAutomation Management Guide

Edit an Automation Management Service

Edit the description or parameters for a service you previously created.

You can't rename a service.

  1. For a service, click the More menu The more menu; three vertical grey dots on a white background., then select Edit service configuration.

  2. Make your changes to the service description or parameters:

    • Under Description, edit the description for the service.

    • Under Schema, change the service parameters.

      Instead of hard coding values into your API specification file, you can declare common or reusable parameters and reference them across API operations, like creating an instance or action. The values for these parameters are often ones that change or vary across environments and therefore require your input for the service to run. Some parameters you may consider declaring here are ones you use for authentication, like API keys, tokens, usernames or passwords; or other API path or query parameters.

      • To declare a parameter, in Field name, enter the parameter name, then click + Add field. Next to the parameter you added, define its properties in JSON. There are two ways to define the parameter properties: using the predefined settings or a JSON editor.

      • To remove a parameter, click A gray X centered inside a white circle..

        The delete button next to the parameter field highlighted in a red rectangle.
  3. Click Save.