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Cloud-delivered Incident ResponderIncident Responder Documentation

Create a Playbook Trigger

For a playbook to run automatically, define which circumstances and conditions trigger the playbook. You define a playbook trigger from the PLAYBOOKS page, or when you create or edit a playbook.

You can create a playbook trigger only if you're assigned an Incident Responder seat.

If you manually create an incident, playbooks aren't triggered.

  1. In the sidebar, click PLAYBOOKSA grey arrow pointing right, or create or edit a playbook.

  2. Click Add trigger to playbook.:

    • On the PLAYBOOKS page, select the clock A dark blue alarm clock for an existing playbook in the list.

    • If you're creating or editing a playbook, select the clock A blue alarm clock in a blue box..

  3. Click + Trigger.

  4. Select the situation that triggers the playbook:

    • Incident Created – When a playbook triggers and creates an incident.

    • Status Changed – When someone changes an incident's status.

    • Priority Changed – When someone changes an incident's priority.

    • Queue Changed – When someone is assigned to another queue.

    • Assignee Changed – When someone changes who's assigned to an incident.

    • Incident Type Changed – When an incident's type changes, manually or automatically.

  5. To add a condition to the situation, select + Condition. If the situation occurs and the condition is met, the playbook runs. These conditions are based on incident fields, default or custom.

  6. (Optional) To add another condition, click + ADD.

  7. Click SAVE.