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Cloud-delivered Incident ResponderIncident Responder Documentation

Turnkey Playbooks

Fully pre-configured turnkey playbooks are ready to run out of the box.

Turnkey playbooks are pre-configured playbooks that are ready for you to run, without having to purchase additional services to get the actions you need. If you have a Fusion license, you can run all turnkey playbooks, even without an Incident Responder add-on.

Turnkey playbooks are listed along other playbooks you created on the PLAYBOOKS page. Like a playbook you created yourself, you can run them manually or automatically with a playbook trigger. If you have a Fusion license, you must have an Incident Responder add-on to add triggers to turnkey playbooks.

Turnkey playbooks use out-of-the-box services that are free to use, including Exabeam Case Manager, Exabeam AA Default, Exabeam Actions, and Yara.

There are five turnkey playbooks:

You can modify turnkey playbooks to customize them to your needs. If you have a Fusion license, you must have an Incident Responder add-on to modify turnkey playbooks.