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Cloud-delivered Incident ResponderIncident Responder Documentation

Automated Incident Classification Turnkey Playbook

Classify Behavior Analytics incidents into the correct incident type with the Automated Incident Classification turnkey playbook.

When an Advanced Analytics user or asset session becomes notable, Case Manager automatically creates an incident with the Behavior Analytics incident type. The Automated Incident Classification turnkey playbook analyzes session to accurately change the incident's type, helping you make sense of all the evidence in Advanced Analytics and quickly diagnose what threat you're investigating. It's important that incidents have the correct incident type so you standardize the evidence you collect and define tasks for investigating, containing, and remediating the incident.

First, the playbook retrieves the Exabeam Threat Detection, Investigation, and Response (TDIR) Use Case Categories rule tags associated with session's triggered rules. View the output in the workbench, under GET RULE LABELS – EXABEAM AA DEFAULT.

Depending on the rule tag, the playbook adds an incident type.

If the session is associated with any of these rule tags:

The playbook adds this incident type to the incident:

  • 3rd Party Security Alerts

  • Abnormal Application Access

  • Abnormal Authentication & Access

  • Abnormal Database Access

  • Abnormal File Access

  • Abnormal VPN Access

  • Abnormal Web Access

  • Compromised Asset

  • Compromised Service Account

  • Credential Theft

Compromised Credentials

  • Abnormal Network Connections

  • Abnormal Remote Access

  • Pass the Hash

  • Pass the Ticket

Lateral Movement

  • Account Switch

  • Bypass Access Controls

  • Discovery

  • DLL Hijacking and Side Loading

  • Permission Changes

Privilege Escalation

  • Activity on Domain Controllers

  • Disabled Account Activity

  • Executive Account Activity

  • Privileged Account Activity

  • Privileged Asset Activity

  • Privileged Process Execution

Privileged Activity

  • Abnormal Account Management Activity

  • Abnormal Directory Services Activity

  • Account Creation Activity

  • Account Deletion Activity

  • Membership and Permission Modifications

  • System Account Activity

Account Manipulation

  • Data Exfiltration

  • Data Exfiltration via DNS

  • Data Exfiltration via Web

Data Exfiltration

  • Audit Tampering

  • Destruction of File Data

  • Evasion


  • Data Leak

  • Data Leak via Email

  • Data Leak via Printer

  • Data Leak via Removable Device

  • Data Leak via Web

Data Leak

  • Access to Application Data

  • Access to File Data

  • Database Activity Monitoring

Data Access Abuse

  • Account Manipulation

  • Disabled Account Abuse

  • Executive Account Abuse

  • Privilege Abuse

  • Privileged Account Abuse

  • Privileged Asset Abuse

  • Service Account Abuse

Privilege Abuse

Audit Log Manipulation

Audit Tampering

Data Deletion

Destruction of Data

Access to Physical Space

Physical Security

  • Remote Workforce

  • Risk of Attrition

  • Spam

Workforce Protection

Abnormal User Activity

Abnormal Authentication and Access

Brute Force Attack

Brute Force Attack









View which incident type was added in the workbench, under MODIFY INCIDENT TYPE – INTERNAL or under the Incident Type incident field.