View Inbox
The Inbox page contains all the notifications that you've received over the last 90 days, including both new and read notifications. The Inbox includes a variety of filters for you to find the notifications that you want to view. You can mark new notifications as read, and you can change the status read notifications back into new (which enables you to view them in the Your Preferences window again).
The header of the Inbox page breaks down the number of Critical, Warning, and Informational notifications that you have received.
To view your inbox:
Click the notification icon
The Your Notifications window opens.
To open the Inbox page, do one of the following:
On the upper-right side of the window, click the inbox icon
At the bottom of the window, click View all notifications.
(Optional) To change the notification timeframe filter, click the drop-down menu to the left of the search box, and then select a time value.
(Optional) To Search by Notification Title, click in the search box and start typing a title or key words within a title.
(Optional) To filter the notifications by severity, Title, Category, Application, and/or new or read status, click the respective drop-down icons
from the column headings and select the items that you want to view.
A red line on the left of the notification bar indicates that the notification is new.
(Optional) To change the new/read status of notifications, click the
icons to change from one status to the other.