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Exabeam Security Operations PlatformExabeam Security Operations Platform Administration Guide

Manage Third-Party IdPs

You can edit IdP group mappings, enable or disable IdPs, edit IdP details and attributes, and delete IdPs from the Exabeam Security Operations Platform.

  1. Log in to the Exabeam Security Operations Platform.

  2. On the lower-left side of the user interface, click Settings SOC-Platform-Settings-Icon.png, and then click Identity Providers.

  3. Do any of the following:

    • To edit group mappings:

      1. Click Group Mapping for the IdP that you modify.

        The Group Mapping dialog box appears.

      2. Do either of the following as needed:

        • To add a new group mapping, click Add new mapping to open the Add Group Mapping dialog box. In the Group name box, enter the group name, and then select the roles that you want to assign to it from the Roles drop-down list. When you are done, click Add Mapping.

        • To edit an existing mapping, click the corresponding More Menu icon Vertical-Ellipsis-ECP.png and then edit the group name and/or user roles as needed. When you are done, click Update Mapping.

    • To enable or disable an IdP, click the corresponding Enabled toggle.

      When the toggle is blue, the IdP is enabled; when the toggle is gray, the IdP is disabled.

    • To edit an IdP's details and/or attributes, click the corresponding edit icon IdP-Edit-Icon.png and then edit the information as needed. When you are done, click Update Identity Provider.

    • To delete an IdP from the SOC Platform, click the corresponding delete icon IdP-Delete-Icon.png.