- Case Manager i56 Release Notes
- What's New
- Known Issues
- Issues Fixed in Case Manager i56.5 (General Availability)
- Issues Fixed in Case Manager i56.6
- Issues Fixed in Case Manager i56.7
- Issues Fixed in Case Manager i56.8
- Issues Fixed in Case Manager i56.9
- Issues Fixed in Case Manager i56.10
- Issues Fixed in Case Manager i56.11
- Issues Fixed in Case Manager i56.12
- Get Started with Case Manager
- Configure Case Manager Settings
- Investigate a Security Incident
- Manually Create an Incident
- Edit an Incident
- Delete an Incident
- Manually Assign an Incident to a Queue, Assignee, Priority, or Status
- Manually Add an Entity
- Manually Add an Artifact
- Delete an Entity or Artifact
- Add Advanced Analytics Evidence to a Case Manager Incident
- Manage Tasks During an Investigation
- Send Messages from an Incident
- Filter Incidents
- Search for an Incident
- Sort Incidents
- Export Incidents
Manage Tasks During an Investigation
Follow a defined response plan using tasks. As you progress through your investigation, create, re-assign, change due dates, and close tasks.
Create a Task for a Specific Incident
Create a task that only appears under a specific incident to ensure that your team doesn't miss something when they respond to it.
Re-assign a Task in an Incident
Reassign a task to another person in one specific incident.
Change a Task Due Date in an Incident
Change when a task is due in one specific incident.
Close and mark a task as complete in one specific incident.