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Case ManagerCase Manager Documentation

Case Notes

Add findings or data to your investigation and communicate with people from directly within an incident using case notes.

A case note is free-form text you use to add descriptions, observations, and artifacts to your incident. Use case notes when your findings or data points are relevant to your investigation but do not fit in the generic incident fields and categories, or Case Manager can't measure or filter them.

Case notes are one way you message people directly from an incident. You can view an incident's case notes if you can access Case Manager and the incident. To collaborate with people who can't access Case Manager and still track the conversation within the incident, send an email.

Add a Case Note to an Incident

Add descriptions, observations, and artifacts to your incident using case notes.

  1. In an incident, navigate to the Messages tab, then click NEW CASE NOTE.Get to Know an Incident

  2. Enter the case findings, like descriptions, observations, and artifacts.

  3. Click ADD CASE NOTE.