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DashboardDashboards Guide

Add Dashboard Filters


Only the dashboard owner or someone with developer permissions can edit a dashboard. If you need to edit a dashboard that you do not own, you can duplicate the dashboard and edit it as needed. For information on duplicating, see Duplicate a Dashboard.

Dashboard filters enable viewers to explore different data perspectives. The filter types that you can create depend on the data models used by the visualizations on your dashboard. When you create a filter for a data dimension, you can apply it to any of the visualizations that use the dimension. When applied, dashboard filters override any internal filter settings.


If your dashboard includes visualizations built from Event Store data, we recommend adding an Approx Log Time filter to the dashboard so that users can override the internal Approx Log Time filters that are automatically attached to these visualizations. By default, internal Approx Log Time filters are set to display only data from the last two days to avoid slow loading times. Adding an Approx Log Time filter to the dashboard enables users to readily view data from different time ranges within your licensed retention period.

To add a dashboard filter:

  1. Open a dashboard that you want to create a scheduled deliver for.

    • From the Dashboards home page, click more menu icon The more menu; three vertical blue dots on a grey background. for the dashboard that you want to modify, and then click Edit.

      The dashboard opens in edit mode.

    • Open the the dashboard that you want to modify and click the Edit button.

  2. Click Add a filter.


    The Add Filter dialog box displays.

  3. Select a field for the filter, and then click Next.


    Use the Search text filter to narrow the list of fields.

  4. Select a Control from the drop-down menu.

    The control that you select determines how the viewer interacts with the filter.



    The subsequent settings may vary depending on the control that you select.

  5. (Optional) Select a Display from the menu.

    The options available for this setting depend on the selected control.

  6. (Optional) To make the filter Required, select the checkbox.

    When a filter is set to required, it must have a value, whether a default value or one selected by the viewer. Default and available values are optional settings that are configured in the next step.

  7. (Optional) Select the filter Value(s) and/or a Default Value.

    To include all available Value(s), leave the field blank.



    Filters applying the is in the last operator to the Approx Log Time field yield inaccurate results when the time unit is equal to our greater than hours.

    As a workaround to this issue, express time lengths in seconds or minutes.

  8. Click Next.

  9. Select the TILES TO UPDATE.

    Tiles that are not applicable to the filter cannot be selected.



    To edit any of the previous settings, click the edit icon Filter-Edit-Icon.png.

  10. Click Add Filter.