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DashboardDashboards Guide

Duplicate a Visualization

Duplicating an existing visualization helps you save time when you need to create a new visualization that is similar to an existing one. Duplication is also useful when you need to modify an existing visualization that you do not have the necessary permissions to edit.

There are two ways to duplicate a visualization. You can either create a duplicate from the Visualizations home tab or you can duplicate a visualization tile from within a dashboard.

Duplicate from the Visualizations Tab

  1. Open the Dashboards home page and make sure the Visualizations tab is displayed.

  2. On the row or tile for the visualization you want to duplicate, click the options menu (icon-options.png) and select Duplicate. A copy of the visualization opens in edit mode.

  3. Modify the visualization as needed.

  4. You can opt to edit the title of the visualization, although the word (copy) is appended to the old title to make it unique.

  5. Click Add to create the new visualization and add it to the visualization library as a draft.

  6. To make the new visualization available to other users, open it again in edit mode and click Publish.

Duplicate from within a Dashboard

  1. Open a dashboard in edit mode.

  2. On the dashboard you want to duplicate, click the options menu (icon-options.png) and select Duplicate Tile. A copy of the visualization tile is created and placed on the open dashboard.

  3. To modify the new visualization, click the options menu (icon-options.png) on the new tile and select Edit. The new visualization opens in edit mode.

  4. Modify the visualization as needed.

  5. Click Save to save your modifications to the visualization.

  6. You can opt to make the new visualization available in the visualization library. Click the options menu (icon-options.png) on the new tile and select Add to Library. A library icon (icon-library.png) appears on the visualization tile next to the title.


    The new visualization will appear as a draft in the library. To make the it available to other users, open it again in edit mode and click Publish.

  7. Click Save to save the dashboard with the new visualization.