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DashboardDashboards Guide

Microsoft Windows Overview Dashboard

The Microsoft Windows Overview dashboard provides a break down of the Microsoft Windows events in your organization.


This dashboard can assist you in complying with the following regulatory requirements: HIPAA, ISO 27001, NIST, PCI, TSC SOC2.

Time Range Filter

The Event : Approx Log Time filter sets the time range for the event data. The default setting is in the last 7 days. You can update this filter with a wide range of customizable settings.

To update the time range filter, click the arrow (icon-expand.png) on the right, under the Edit button, to expand the filters panel. In the Event : Approx Log Time filter, select an operator from the first drop down menu and then enter or select values in the subsequent fields, depending on the operator you selected. To save your filter changes, click Apply on the right side of the filter panel. The updated filter is applied to the visualization.


Microsoft Windows Events Count

This single value bar chart displays the number of Microsoft Windows events that have been triggered in your organization over the selected time range.


Number of Devices Logging into Microsoft Windows

This single value bar chart displays the number of different devices that have logged into Microsoft Windows over the selected time range.

Number of Events per Event Code

This word cloud provides a visualization of the event codes have been triggered most frequently. Larger text indicates a greater event frequency. Hover your pointer over the codes to view their count values. To view the underlying events of a value, click the event code, and then click Show Results in Search.


Microsoft Windows Event Information

This table lists the event codes and their event names along with the number of times they have been triggered.

To view all the events, you may need to use the scroll bar on the right. To view the underlying events of a count value, click the value, and then click Show Results in Search.


Microsoft Windows Events Coverage Map

This coverage map lists the different Windows event codes and uses colored squares to represent the hosts in which they're being triggered. The numbers on the squares indicate the number of times that the event has been triggered, and the different colors represent number ranges that are given in the legend. Hover your pointer over the squares to display the host names. To view the underlying events of a value, click the square, and then click Show Results in Search.


Microsoft Windows Events Per Host

This table provides details on the different hosts in your deployment and the Windows events that have been triggered in them. Click the heading of the column that you want to sort the data by. Click the arrow icon to change between ascending Sort-Up.png and descending Sort-Down.png orders. To view all the rows on the table, you may need to use the scroll bar on the right.

To view the underlying events of a value, click the value, and then click Show Results in Search.
