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Exabeam SearchExabeam Search Guide

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Recent and Saved Searches List

When you first enter the Search home page, two tabs are available below the search bar, where you can view all recent and saved searches.

  • Click the Recent Searches tab to view your most recent searches run on the system, even if they were not saved.

  • Click the Saved Searches tab to view the public library of saved searches.


    Only public searches will be shown on this tab. Any searches saved as private will not appear in this list.

Click on any search from the lists of recent or saved searches to populate the search bar with the query.

Once you have run a search, these tabs are no longer displayed. However, to see them again, clear the search bar and refresh the Search page. Alternately, to view a list of saved searches, click the Saved Searches option on the right side just below the search bar.