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Exabeam SearchExabeam Search Guide

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Search Results Navigation Bar

At the top of the search results is a navigation bar that allows you to format the look of the results as well as navigate between pages of the search results.

  • Click the Field Summary SearchDisplayFieldSummaryIcon.jpg icon to view a list of all parsed fields, and a count of unique values for each field. By default, these results are calculated for the first 500 results. The Field Summary panel will be pinned to the left side of the Search Results listing. Click the SearchFieldSummaryCollapseIcon.png icon to collapse this panel.


    See Field Summary for more information.

  • Click the Field template drop-down menu to select from a list of field templates or to create your own field template.


    See Field Templates for more information.

  • Click the Lines per event drop-down menu to set how many lines display for each event.

  • Click the Rows per view drop-down menu to set how many events display per page.

  • Use the SearchResultsPageBackIcons.jpg and SearchResultsPageForwardIcons.jpg icons to page through the results.

  • Use the SearchListViewIcon.jpg and SearchTableViewIcon.jpg icons to display the results in list or table view.