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Exabeam SearchExabeam Search Guide

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Table View of Search Results

After you have run a search, a listing of the events matching your search criteria is shown at the bottom of the Search home page.

The default view is a list view, click the SearchTableViewIcon.jpg icon to view the results in a table format. In Table view, a column is created for each visible field of the listed events.


Click Aggregations to view a high level search results summary. (See Aggregated Search Results for information on adding aggregation to your search results).

Click on any column header to sort the list by that field.

Click the drop-down menu (SearchTableColumnDropDownIcon.jpg) icon beside each column in the table to format the look of, or to hide/show each column.

Click the Rows per page drop-down menu icon (SearchTableColumnDropDownIcon.jpg) at either the top or bottom of the table, to select how many rows to show per page.

While in Table view, click any event to display its full details in the Event Details dialog box.