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Exabeam SearchExabeam Search Guide

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Timeline View of Search Results

On the Search home page, below the total number of results, is a graphical representation of the results.


The Timeline View is a date histogram bar graph that shows the count of events over the selected time range, matched by the search and time filters. The histogram lists the time range you’re currently exploring, as well as the interval range that is being used.


If an event does not specify a timezone, the time is reported in UTC.


To accommodate very large log data volumes, the timeline, by default, initially displays only the last 2 weeks. Click the Fetch more SearchFetchMoreIcon.png icon to continue building out the Histogram.

The time range associated with each column dynamically adjusts based on the time range of your search. Each column may represent minutes, hours, or days in the timeline depending on how wide the search range.


Click Hide Timeline/Show Timeline to hide or display the Timeline View.

To narrow the time filter from the histogram:

  1. Click the individual the bar that represents the time interval you want to zoom in on, OR click and drag to view a specific timespan.

  2. Click the Zoom selection icon (SearchZoomTimeFrameSelectionIcon.jpg) to zoom in on the selected time interval.

Click the SearchRevertTimelineIcon.jpg icon to revert the timeline back to the original time frame.