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Exabeam SearchExabeam Search Guide

Query by Subject

The subject of an event is the target entity of the event. For example, the subject of an event could be the user, an endpoint, a process, etc.

The queries are in the form:

subject: "app" OR subject= "user"

The following table lists the subjects that can be searched for in Search:




Any security alert, whether anomaly, correlation, or third-party.


An application’s interface and any activities directed toward it.


A unique configuration, given either globally or per service, that defines the type of audit logs that are generated or recorded and transferred to a log.


A global setting given to a program or an app that defines how the system should work or be enforced.


DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model). Windows endpoint components that allow COM objects to communicate with each other over the network


Domain Name System (DNS) protocol is a network protocol used to translate hostnames to IP addresses. This subject represents DNS traffic related activities.


A directory service object represents every entity that can exist in a directory service configuration, such as OUs, groups, and users. This subject is only used in cases where the original subject was undetermined.


An email is a mail message that is sent or received over a computer network.


An endpoint machine and the objects that can represent the machine inside different applications.


A storage object on endpoints and applications that contains content, data, or settings that can be written into it or read from it.


A collection of user accounts or any other types of members, which can globally define their configuration, settings or role in the system.


A Windows handle is an object that represents the access point to a single object in memory. Processes in Windows must request a handle before they can directly access resources such as files or other processes.


Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP). A network protocol used for web requests and communications. This subject represents HTTP (and protocols built on top of HTTP like HTTPS) traffic-related activities.


A program or a service that collects audit data from an environment and keeps record of it.


All unclassified network traffic and protocols.



An external hardware device used for storing files and data such as USB, CD/DVD, or a HD.dll.


An external device which performs the functions on files and documents such as printing, copying, and faxing.


An endpoint structure that represents an instance of a program that was executed and is now running.


Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS). A networking protocol that provides centralized authentication, authorization, and accounting management for users who connect and use a network service.


Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). A network protocol that provides a user with a graphical interface to connect to another computer over a network connection. This subject represents RDP traffic related activities.


An object that is scheduled to trigger and execute a program or run certain commands.


An endpoint object that represents a program or a process that runs in the background and quietly performs automated tasks. For example - Windows services or a Unix daemon.


An endpoint object that allows resources and files to be shared over a computer network as if they were local.


Secure Shell (SSH). A network protocol used for secure remote login from one computer to another other a network. This subject represents SSH traffic-related activities.


The identity given to a person or a machine with which they can interact with the environment.


A VPN interface and contains activities directed towards the VPN app.