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Exabeam SearchExabeam Search Guide

Saved Searches

Saving searches enables you to reload query results quickly. You can access the library of saved searches at any time to get a list of all saved searches. You can select a saved search to populate the search box with the query and launch the search.

Save the Current Search

  1. Click the Save option under the search bar. A Save search to Library dialog box opens.

  2. Enter a name and description for the search.

  3. Searches are saved as private by default, toggle off the Make search private option to make your search public.


    When your saved search is private, only you will be able to view or edit it.

    When you make your saved search public, it can be viewed, edited, and deleted by any user in your environment.

  4. Click Save.

Open a Saved Search

  1. Click the Saved Searches option under the search bar. A Saved Searches dialog box opens with a list of all the available saved searches.



    The lock icon SearchPrivateSearchIcon.png indicates a private search. Only you can see the searches you saved as private. Searches saved by other users as private will not appear on this list.

  2. Select the search you want to open. The search bar will be populated with the saved search query.

Edit a Saved Search

  1. Click the Saved Searches option under the search bar. A Saved Searches dialog box opens with a list of all the available saved searches.

  2. Find the search for which you want to edit information.

  3. Click the options icon (PM-ThreeDotMenu.jpg) at the far right end of the row and select Edit from the drop-down menu. The Save search to Library dialog box opens for the selected search.

  4. Edit the Search Title or the Description and click Save to save your changes.

Delete a Saved Search

  1. Click the Saved Searches option under the search bar. A Saved Searches dialog box opens with a list of all the available saved searches.

  2. Find the search you want to delete.

  3. Click the options icon (PM-ThreeDotMenu.jpg) at the far right end of the row and select Delete from the drop-down menu.