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Exabeam SearchExabeam Search Guide

Search Features

This table gives a short overview of the various features in Search. Subsequent chapters will describe these features, and how to use them, in more detail.



Basic Search

The Basic search feature allows you to select from prebuilt lists of subjects, vendors, products, and fields to build a query.

Advanced Search

The Advanced search feature allows you to use Exabeam Query Language (EQL) syntax and operators to construct your own complex queries.

Natural Language Search

The Natural Language search feature allows you to write search prompts in plain language, which are automatically translated into EQL syntax. This feature is part of Exabeam Copilot and its set of AI-driven capabilities.

Saving Searches

Search allows you to save and reuse your searches, so you can reload query results quickly.

Search Results

When a search has completed, the results of your search are displayed directly below the Search Bar, including a timeline view of events, and an events list.

Exporting Search Results

The export search results feature allows you to download the search results to your local computer.