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Exabeam SearchExabeam Search Guide

Aggregated Search Results

Add aggregation to your search results to build quick summaries of the results.


Search aggregation is only available to customers holding an Exabeam Security Log Management, Exabeam SIEM, or Exabeam Fusion license, and only if the time range for your search is within the number of months in the license. (1 month for all core license, 1-12 additional months with an Extended Retention add-on. This does not include long-term search/storage add-ons.)


Aggregations can be built for a 7 day sliding window only. If you want to see statistics for a full month, consider using dashboards instead.

  1. Click Aggregations on the search results navigation bar.

    If you have already built an aggregated search, the results will be shown, otherwise the Manage Column Aggregation dialog appears, enabling you to build your search summary.

  2. Click the Field template drop-down menu to select from a list of field templates or to create your own field template. The field template selected determines what fields will be available for selection.


    See Field Templates for more information.

  3. Make your selections to build your aggregated search results.

    • Select one or more aggregation functions for each field you want included in the results.


      The functions are enabled/disabled depending on the field data type. The count function is enabled for every field, while sum, average, min and max are only enabled for fields with a number data type.

    • Select GROUP BY to group the rows that have the same value.

  4. Click CREATE.

    The aggregated search results are shown on the search results page.



    The field template selected when building the aggregated search determines what fields are displayed.

  5. Use the SearchSortAggregatedResults.png icon to select a column to sort the results. By default, the first column that has an aggregation function applied to it is sorted in descending order (largest value at top).

  6. Click Reconfigure to build a different search results summary.

  7. Click Matching Events to return to the non-aggregated search results.


    The aggregated search you have built will be retained. Click Aggregations again to return to these results. Searches saved with aggregations will be marked with the SearchAggregationIcon.png icon in the saved searches list.