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Exabeam SearchExabeam Search Guide

Export Search Results

Use the export functionality to download the search results to your local computer. You can capture the results to attach them to another system, or when you need to work with the data outside of the Exabeam interface.

Export allows output in the following format:

  • Raw log (csv) — This format exports the events in a comma separated value (CSV) file, where the first column includes the normalized ingestion time for the event, and the second column includes the raw message of the event. Use this format to import the search results into a spreadsheet, or into a tool that uses the time information present in the events.

The export file is compressed in gzip format and the file extension will be .csv.gz.

To export events:

  1. After, or while a search is running, click Export Events.

  2. Fill in the export parameters. You can choose to export just the raw logs, or the raw logs along with all or some of the parsed fields.

    • Data Format – Select either Parsed Fields or Raw Logs from the drop-down menu.

    • Include null fields – Select to include null fields when exporting events. By default, this check box is not selected and null fields are excluded from export.

    • Include raw logs – Select to include raw log data when exporting events (must select Parsed Fields in the Data Format menu).

    • Field Template – If you selected Parsed Fields in the Data Format menu, you can select All Parsed Fields or select a specific field template from the drop-down list.



      Hover over any field template name to see a list of fields that are included in the template.

  3. Click Export.

    The compressed exported events file will be downloaded to your local computer. You will receive a notification once the export is complete.


Search can export up to 20 million search local query results. These results will be batched in files based on their size, up to 1GB per file, and zipped together.