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Site CollectorSite Collector Administration Guide

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How to reboot the Virtual Machine (VM) successfully to apply security updates?

Solution: Ensure that you perform the following steps to stop the Site Collector instance, then reboot the operating system (OS) on your VM. It is recommended to not to reboot the VM while the Site Collector instance is running.

  1. Log in to Site Collector and stop the service through user interface. Alternatively, run the following command via CLI:

    $ sudo /opt/exabeam/bin/ngsccli sitecollector stop

    After running the above command, if you see a message No such file or directory which indicates that the ngsccli file does not exist, use the following command to stop the service:

    cd /opt/exabeam/bin && sudo curl -o ngsccli && sudo chmod +x ngsccli && sudo ./ngsccli sitecollector stop
  2. To validate that the service is stopped, run the following command:

    $ sudo systemctl status exabeam-ngsc
  3. Reboot your virtual machine (VM).

  4. Start the services using the following command.

    sudo /opt/exabeam/bin/ngsccli sitecollector start
  5. Validate that the service is running by using the following command.

    sudo systemctl status exabeam-ngsc