- Site Collector Overview
- Get Started with Site Collectors
- Install Site Collector
- Set Up Collectors
- Manage Site Collectors
- Site Collector Monitoring
- Troubleshoot the Site Collector
- Pre-checks failed during Site Collector installation and upgrade
- Site Collector UI shows the status INSTALLATION_ERROR
- Download Support Packages for Troubleshooting
- How to reboot the Virtual Machine (VM) successfully to apply security updates?
- What information must be added while creating a support ticket to resolve an issue?
- Site Collector UI is not displaying the heartbeats
- Splunk Collector can't be set up
- Splunk Collector is set up however, logs are not reaching DL/AA
- Only a few of the installed Splunk Collectors are processing logs or EPS has dropped by 50% as compared to last hour
- The Windows Active Directory Collector (formerly known as LDAP Collector) is set up, however, the context data is not reaching DL/AA
- The Windows Active Directory Collector (formerly known as LDAP Collector) is stuck in the ‘Update’ mode after deployment
- Installation is initiated; however, the collector shows the status as ‘Setting Up’ for some time
- Data Lake and Advanced Analytics Does Not Show Context Data
- Context Data from Windows Active Directory Collector is Segmented
- Minifi Permission Denied - Logback.xml File Missing and Config File Update - Failed Error Occurred while Installing the Windows Event Log Collector
- Where should I upload proxy certificates if I am running proxy with TLS interception?
- How to upgrade Linux collector instance?
What information must be added while creating a support ticket to resolve an issue?
Ensure that you add the following information while creating a support ticket to get an issue resolved:
Account and Customer name (for CSIs)
Support package - On the Site Collector Instances page, generate a support package. Alternatively, you can run the following command to generate the support package:
sudo /opt/exabeam/nifi/nifi_scripts/generate_support_package.sh
The user interface displays a path of the generated package. Download the package and attach the downloaded zip file to the support ticket.
Site Collector (Core) version
Relevant history about the environment that may be of use
If the support ticket is created based on testing results, add detailed description of the test case, credentials to the environments you are referring to, test cases, and test conditions details.
Issue description.
Initial analysis and supporting material (For example, relevant log lines, and database query results)
Any customer scripts, and custom configurations
Steps and activities performed as initial troubleshooting and a troubleshooting guide case was utilized, if applicable.