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Case Manager Tasks

Assign specific responsibilities and ensure everyone responds consistently using tasks.

A task is an action an analyst must complete when they investigate; for example, confirm incident is contained, capture volatile data from systems as evidence, determine root cause. Tasks are organized into phases of an investigation.

Phases and tasks ensure everyone across your organization responds to different security scenarios consistently. A manager builds a set of standard scenarios and creates processes for each one. When analysts investigate an incident, they follow this process, working on separate items in parallel so their efforts don't overlap.

You can configure tasks globally for phases or incident types or manage specific tasks in individual incidents.

Create a Task for a Phase or Incident Type

Create a task that always appears under a specific phase or incidents of a certain type.

You can create a task just for one specific incident. To automatically create a task depending on the conditions of an incident, create a playbook.

  1. In the sidebar, click SETTINGSA grey gear icon, then select Analytics.

  2. Under Case Management, select Incident Configuration.

  3. Select the Tasks & Phases tab.

  4. Click ADD A TASK.

  5. Enter information about the task:

    • Name – Enter a name for the task.

    • Instructions – Enter instructions, details, or other information about the task.

    • Phase – Select the phase that the task appears under.

    • (Optional) Incident type – Select the incident type that the task appears under.

    • Due date – If there is no due date, select None. If there is a due date, select how many days after the task is initiated.

    • (Optional) Required task – If the task must be completed, select this box. If the task is incomplete, you can't change the incident status to Closed.

  6. Click SAVE.

  7. Click PUBLISH.

Edit a Task for a Phase or Incident Type

Edit a task that appears under a phase or for all incidents of a certain type.

  1. In the sidebar, click SETTINGSA grey gear icon, then select Analytics.

  2. Under Case Management, select Incident Configuration.

  3. Select the Tasks & Phases tab.

  4. Hover over a task, then select edit A dark blue pencil..

  5. Change the task details:

    • Name – Enter a name for the task.

    • Instructions – Enter instructions, details, or other information about the task.

    • Phase – Select the phase that the task appears under.

    • (Optional) Incident type – Select the incident type that the task appears under.

    • Due date – If there is no due date, select None. If there is a due date, select how many days after the task is initiated.

    • (Optional) Required task – If the task must be completed, select this box. If the task is incomplete, you can't change the incident status to Closed.

  6. Click SAVE.

  7. Click PUBLISH. Your changes are reflected in new incidents. They don't apply to existing incidents, open or closed.

Reorder Tasks in a Phase

Reorder tasks to change the order they appear in a phase.

  1. In the sidebar, click SETTINGSA grey gear icon, then select Analytics.

  2. Under Case Management, select Incident Configuration.

  3. Select the Tasks & Phases tab.

  4. Hover over a task, then select the up A dark blue arrow pointing up. or down A dark blue arrow pointing down. arrows to move the task up or down.

  5. Click PUBLISH. Your changes are reflected in new incidents. They don't apply to existing incidents, open or closed.

Delete a Task for a Phase or Incident Type

Delete a task that appears under a phase or for all incidents of a certain type.

  1. In the sidebar, click SETTINGSA grey gear icon, then select Analytics.

  2. Under Case Management, select Incident Configuration.

  3. Select the Tasks & Phases tab.

  4. Hover over a task, then select the trash A dark blue trash can.. A warning appears.

  5. Click DELETE.

  6. Click PUBLISH. Your changes are reflected in new incidents. They don't apply to existing incidents, open or closed.