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Cloud-delivered Case ManagerCase Manager Documentation

Entity Types

When you add an entity to an incident, it falls under three types. Each type contains a unique set of data, which you can input to action nodes in Incident Responder playbooks.Manually Add an Entity

File – Any electronic file; for example, Word and Excel documents, Windows or Linux executables. A file entity contains specific data, including file path, size, and hash.

Device – A computer, either on an internal network or the internet. A device entity contains specific data, including IP address, zone, and top user.

User – A person identified by a corporate directory account ID, email address, or other means (app login ID, full name, etc.). A user entity contains specific data, including data about employment, contact information, and manager.

File Entity Data

Every entity type contains a unique set of data fields. The file entity contains data like file path, size, and hash. In Incident Responder, you can input this data to a playbook action node.

If you turned on data masking in Advanced Analytics settings and you click on a link that redirects you from Case Manager to Advanced Analytics, you must have View Unmasked Data (PII) privileges to view the data in Advanced Analytics.


File created time

Date and time this file was created.

Example: 2019-05-06 15:56

File name

Name used to uniquely identify the file in the file system.

Example: barbarian.jar

File path

Where in the file system this file was located. If you add a hash, the entity will not contain this information.

Example: c:\user\windows\XXX

File size

How much space the file takes up in storage, in MB. If you add a hash, the entity will not contain this information.

Example: 1.7 MB


MD5 hash value.

Example: b1d64dfbc73158114f20dee14b994755


SHA1 hash value.

Example: aed420a76e730364ca8d804873a7f3c6ca2ff4f4


SHA256 hash value.

Example: ee424b6d4657808c1c634fcaa7fc52e2ec9f30b1cb8ed457178559d5f840b40b


SHA512 hash value.

Example: 20a5ab43c7106846e4954adec2c2c1348d157beb686fbbb0f23a5efcf89cb49c4ab6c6c369869e05da7661d1386b5f439dfad9e6d60b11cac599be83b0146200


Link to the file asset's Advanced Analytics notable session timeline. If you manually uploaded the file, there is no link.

User Entity Data

Every entity type contains a unique set of data. The user entity type contains data like the user's employment, contact information, and manager. In Incident Responder, you can input this data to a playbook action node.

If you turned on data masking in Advanced Analytics settings and you click on a link that redirects you from Case Manager to Advanced Analytics, you must have View Unmasked Data (PII) privileges to view the data in Advanced Analytics.


Account ID

Corporate directory account ID, typically corresponds to a set of login credentials.

Example: bsalazar


Number of third-party security alerts this user has triggered.

Example: 3

Data insights

Link to the user's Data Insights page in Advanced Analytics.

Employee type

Type of employee, as defined in the Advanced Analytics user_employee_type context table; for example, full-time, part-time, or contractor.

Example: full-time

Entity frequency

Number of incidents that contain this entity. Click to view a list of all these incidents.

Example: 2

First seen

Date when Exabeam first detected the the user in the IT environment.

Example: 1 April 2018

Full name

First name and last name. Click to navigate to the user's profile in Advanced Analytics.

Example: Barbara Salazar

Last seen

Date the user last logged in to a device or network; the user's most recent Advanced Analytics login event.

Example: 4 May 2018

Manager cell phone

Manager's personal cell phone number.

Example: 212-408-5108

Manager email

Manager's work email address. Click to start writing an incident email to the manager.

Example: [email protected]

Manager name

Full name of the user's manager. Click to navigate to the manager's user profile in Advanced Analytics.

Example: Tu Peterson

Manager office phone

Phone number the manager uses at their office location.

Example: 494-512-5019

Manager title

Manager's job title.

Example: VP of Human Resources


User's display picture in Advanced Analytics.

Risk score

The device's Advanced Analytics risk score at the time Case Manager created the incident. The risk score doesn't update as the notable session continues or when it closes. Click to return to the session and view the final risk score.

Example: 299


Link to the user's Advanced Analytics notable session timeline.

Top device

Device the user logs into most frequently.

Example: srv_143lm_us

User cell phone

A private cell phone number.

Example: 274-557-3374

User department

Corporate department the user works in.

Example: HR

User email

User's work email address. Click to start writing an incident email to the user.

Example: [email protected]


Username in Advanced Analytics.

Example: Barb S.

User office phone

Phone number they use at their office location.

Example: 212-408-8076

User title

User's job title.

Example: Human Resources Coordinator


Number of watchlists the user appears on in the home page.

Example: 2


Internal network zone within your organization the user last connected from. This may be a city, business unit, building, or room.

Example: Chicago