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Cloud-delivered Case ManagerCase Manager Documentation

Out-of-the-Box Incident Filters

There are four out-of-the-box incident filters. You can't delete them. If you don't want to use them, build off of them by duplicating them and making changes, or create your own filter from scratch.Filter Incidents

Out-of-the-box filter

Use this filter to view...

Filter inputs

All Incidents

All open incidents that have been created, no matter who it's assigned to; when it started, ended or was created; or its priority.

Status: New, in progress, resolved, pending

My Incidents

All open incidents you've been assigned to.

Owner: Current user

Status: New, in progress, resolved, pending

Unassigned Incidents

Incidents that are recently created and not assigned to a queue.

Owner: Default queue

Status: New

Critical incidents

All open incidents that are a critical priority, no matter who it's assigned to or when it started, ended, or was created.

Priority: Critical

Status: New, in progress, resolved, pending